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18761 저널기사 Use of a dihydrogen plasma afterglow for the reduction of zeolite-supported gold-based metallic catalysts 미리보기
Diamy, A.-M. Legrand, J.-C. Polisset-Thfoin, M. Randriamanantenasoa, Z. North Holland 1997
18762 저널기사 Use of a Dipeptide Chemical Library in the Development of Non-Peptide Tachykinin NK~3 Receptor Selective Antagonists 미리보기
Boden, P American Chemical Society 1980
18763 저널기사 Use of adjusted time parameters in system dynamics models 미리보기
Barton, P. M. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 2000
18764 저널기사 Use of advanced imaging modalities for the differential diagnosis of pathoses mimicking temporomandibular disorders/ 미리보기
Heo, M. S Mosby-Year Book, Inc 2003
18765 저널기사 Use of Advances in Technology for Maritime Risk Assessment 미리보기
Wang, J.; Sii, H. S.; Yang, J. B.; Pillay, A.; Yu, D.; Liu, J.; Maistralis, E. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004
18766 저널기사 Use of adverse conditions to stimulate a cellular stress response by equine articular chondrocytes 미리보기
Benton, H. P American Veterinary Medical Association 1996
18767 저널기사 Use of a Field-to-Stroke Center Helicopter Transport Program to Extend Thrombolytic Therapy to Rural Residents/ 미리보기
Silliman, S. L American Heart Association] 2003
18768 저널기사 Use of a fluorescent analog of CDP-DAG in human skin fibroblasts: characterization of metabolism, distribution, and application to studies of phosphatidylinositol turnover 미리보기
Salman, M Lipid Research, inc.] 1980
18769 저널기사 Use of a Fluorescent Brightener to Improve Pseudoplusia includens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus Activity in the Laboratory and Field 미리보기
Zou, Y Entomological Society of America [etc.] 1980
18770 저널기사 Use of a fluorous bridge for diffusion controlled uptake of molecular chlorine in chlorine addition to alkenes/ 미리보기
Iskra, J Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
18771 저널기사 Use of a forced-choice test of tactile discrimination in the evaluation of functional sensory loss: a report of 3 cases/ 미리보기
Greve, K. W American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
18772 저널기사 Use of a free jejunal graft for oesophageal reconstruction following perforation after cervical spine surgery: case report and review of the literature/ 미리보기
Kuntscher, M. V Stockton Press 2003
18773 저널기사 Use of age and serum gamma-glutamyltransferase activity to assess passive transfer status in lambs 미리보기
Tessman, R. K American Veterinary Medical Association 1980
18774 저널기사 Use of a Generalized Linear Mixed Model to Reduce Excessive Heterogeneity in Petroleum Spray Oil Bioassay Data/ 미리보기
Barchia, I. M Entomological Society of America [etc.] 2003
18775 저널기사 Use of a genetic algorithm to improve predictions of alternate bar dynamics (DOI 10.1029/2002WR001793)/ 미리보기
Knaapen, M. A. F American Geophysical Union 2003
18776 저널기사 Use of a Genetically Introduced Cross-linker to Identify Interaction Sites of Acidic Activators within Native Transcription Factor IID and SAGA 미리보기
Klein, J.; Nolden, M.; Sanders, S. L.; Kirchner, J.; Weil, P. A.; Melcher, K. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
18777 저널기사 Use of a Geographic Information System To Evaluate Regional Treatment Effects in a Gypsy Moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) Management Program 미리보기
Liebhold, A Entomological Society of America [etc.] 1980
18778 저널기사 Use of a glycerol-limited, long-term chemostat for isolation of Escherichia coli mutants with improved physiological properties 미리보기
Weikert, C Society for General Microbiology 1980
18779 저널기사 Use of AGNPS for Watershed Modeling in Quebec 미리보기
Perrone, J American Society of Agricultural Engineers] 1997
18780 저널기사 Use of a GnRH agonist to prevent the endogenous LH surge and injection of exogenous LH to induce ovulation in heifers superstimulated with FSH: anew model for superovulation 미리보기
D'Occhio, M. J Butterworths, etc 1997
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