18861 |
Use of Animal Proteins to Limit Leaching of Active Copper Ions Preservatives from Treated Wood/
Mazela, B
Walter de Gruyter
18862 |
Use of an implanted marker and real-time tracking of the marker for the positioning of prostate and bladder cancers/
Shimizu, Shinichi
Pergamon Press
18863 |
Use of an Inducible Regulatory Protein To Identify Members of a Regulon:Application to the Regulon Controlled by the Leucine-Responsive Regulatory Protein (Lrp) in Escherichia coli
Bhagwat, S. P
American Society for Microbiology [etc.]
18864 |
Use of an industrial effluent as a carbon source for denitrification of a high-strength wastewater
Bernet, N
Springer International
18865 |
Use of an Innovation Board to Integrate the Front End of Innovation with Formal NDP Processes: A Longitudinal Study
Markham, S.K.; Lee, H.
Industrial Research Institute
18866 |
Use of an Instrumented Flat Dilatometer in Soft Varved Clay/
Benoit, J
American Society of Civil Engineers
18867 |
Use of an internal standard in a TaqMan nested reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction for the detection of bovine viral diarrhoea virus/
Heath, G. S
Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co
18868 |
Use of an in vitro gas production method to investigate interactions between veld hay and Napier hay or groundnut hay supplements
Wood, C. D
Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co
18869 |
Use of an in vivo reporter assay to test for transcriptional and translational fidelity in yeast
Shaw, R. J.; Bonawitz, N. D.; Reines, D.
18870 |
Use of an In Vivo Titration Method To Study a Global Regulator: Effect of Varying Lrp Levels on Expression of gltBDF in Escherichia coli
Borst, D. W
American Society for Microbiology [etc.]
18871 |
Use of an ion-selective electrode to determine free Ca ion concentration in the milk of various mammals/
Silanikove, N
Cambridge University press
18872 |
Use of an ipb-lux Fusion To Study Regulation of the Isopropylbenzene Catabolism Operon of Pseudomonas putida RE204 and To Detect Hydrophobic Pollutants in the Environment
Selifonova, O. V
American Society for Microbiology.
18873 |
Use of an ISO 14000 Option in Implementing EPA's Rule on Risk Management Programs for Chemical Accidental Release Prevention
Rosenthal, I.
18874 |
Use of a Nitrate-Nonutilizing Mutant and Selective Media to Examine Population Dynamics of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. spinaciae in Soil/
Takehara, T
American Phytopathological Society]
18875 |
Use of annealed low-temperature grown GaAs as a selective photoetch-stoplayer
Chen, E. H
American Institute of Physics
18876 |
Use of a nonlinear least-squares model for the kinetic determination of the stability constant of cyclodextrin inclusion complexes
Loukas, Y. L
Elsevier/North Holland
18877 |
Use of an osteoinductive biomaterial as a bone morphogenetic protein carrier/
Yuan, Huipin
Chapman and Hall
18878 |
Use of a Novel Autoassociative Neural Network for Nonlinear Steady-StateData Reconciliation
Du, Y.-G
American Institute of Chemical Engineers]
18879 |
Use of a novel long-acting human follicle-stimulating hormone analogue containing four extra n-linked carbohydrates in the ovarian hyperstimulation of a female baboon/
Pena, J. E
American Fertility Society [etc.]
18880 |
Use of a novel outbred by inbred F~1cross to detect genetic markers for growth/
Deeb, N
Published by Blackwell Scientific Publications for the International Society for Animal Blood Group