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18901 저널기사 Use of a Pharmacophore Model for the Design of EGF-R Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors: 4-(Phenylamino)pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidines 미리보기
Traxler, P American Chemical Society 1980
18902 저널기사 Use of a Plant Polysaccharide Gradient to Wash Bull Sperm Improves Fertilization & Embryonic Development 미리보기
Ellington, J. E Butterworths, etc 1996
18903 저널기사 Use of a Polyethylene Glycol-Peptide Conjugate in a Competition Gel Shift Assay for Screening Potential Antagonists of HIV-1 Tat Protein Binding to TAR RNA 미리보기
Wang, J Academic Press 1980
18904 저널기사 Use of a portable bladder scanner to reduce the incidence of bladder catheterisation prior to laparoscopy/ 미리보기
Moselhi, Marsham British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2001
18905 저널기사 Use of a power law relation to describe field measurements of compressional and shear velocity in a sediment 미리보기
Endo, H American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
18906 저널기사 Use of a Program Logic Model to Guide the Development of a Strategic Plan for Wellington County Hospitals Network 미리보기
18907 저널기사 Use of a Promoterless lacZ Gene Insertion To Investigate Chitinase Gene Expression in the Marine Bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. Strain S9 미리보기
Techkarnjanaruk, S American Society for Microbiology. 1980
18908 저널기사 Use of a Prone Transfer Technique in Patients With Severe Hip-Flexion Restrictions: A Report of 3 Cases/ 미리보기
Guo, Y American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
18909 저널기사 Use of a purified Trypanosoma cruzi antigen and CpG oligodeoxynucleotides for immunoprotection against a lethal challenge with trypomastigotes/ 미리보기
Frank, F. M Butterworths 2003
18910 저널기사 Use of a pyrimidine nucleoside that functions as a bidentate hydrogen bond donor for the recognition of isolated or contiguous G-C base pairs by oligonucleotide-directed triplex formation 미리보기
Xiang, G Information Retrieval Limited 1980
18911 저널기사 Use of Aqua-Jel[R] and Feed for Nutrient Supply During Long Journey Air Transport of Baby Chicks 미리보기
Xin, H American Society of Agricultural Engineers] 1996
18912 저널기사 Use of a quality index in threshold contrast detail detection measurements in television fluoroscopy/ 미리보기
Gallacher, D. J British Institute of Radiology 2003
18913 저널기사 Use of a Quality Loss Function to Select Statistical Tolerances 미리보기
Vasseur, H American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1980
18914 저널기사 Use of aqueous slurry sampling for the determination of lead in human hair samples by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry 미리보기
Bermejo-Barrera, P Pergamon Press 1980
18915 저널기사 Use of a Rapid HPLC Assay for Determination of Pharmacokinetic Parameters of Ibuprofen in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis 미리보기
Rifai, N American Association for Clinical Chemistry 1980
18916 저널기사 Use of a rate-dependent continuum damage model to describe strain-softening in laminated composites 미리보기
Nemes, J. A Pergamon Press 1996
18917 저널기사 Use of A"ration in Kjeldahl Distillations / 미리보기
Meldrum, W. B American Chemical Society 1934
18918 저널기사 Use of a Raw Meat-Based Diet or a Dry Kibble Diet for Sand Cats (Felis margarita 미리보기
Crissey, S. D American Society of Animal Science [etc.] 1997
18919 저널기사 Use of arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction to investigate Mycoplasma bovis outbreaks/ 미리보기
Butler, Jenny A Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 2001
18920 저널기사 Use of a reactive gas transport model to determine rates of hydrocarbon biodegradation in unsaturated porous media 미리보기
Baehr, A. L American Geophysical Union 1980
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