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18921 저널기사 Use of a reducing stage to avoid degradation of softwood kraft pulp after ozone bleaching 미리보기
18922 저널기사 Use of a related ELISA antigen for efficient TRT serological testing following live vaccination 미리보기
Toquin, D The Association 1996
18923 저널기사 Use of a Resonant Mirror Biosensor to Characterize the Interaction of Carboxypeptidase A with an Elicited Monoclonal Antibody 미리보기
Hall, D. R Academic Press 1980
18924 저널기사 Use of a reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction for monitoring the shedding of feline coronavirus by healthy cats/ 미리보기
Addie, D D The Association 2001
18925 저널기사 Use of a rigorous global assessment measure to support the effects of a low-dose oral contraceptive in the treatment of women with moderate acne vulgaris./ 미리보기
Portman, D American Fertility Society [etc.] 2001
18926 저널기사 Use of arithmetic and geometric means in the calculation of anthelminticefficacy 미리보기
McKenna, P. B The Association 1997
18927 저널기사 Use of a Robustness Index for Flexible Facility Layout Design in a Changing Environment 미리보기
Kreng, V. B.; Tsai, C. M. College of Management, National Cheng Kung University 2002
18928 저널기사 Use of Arthroscopic Camera Equipment during Rhinoplasty/ 미리보기
Smith, M. J Williams & Wilkins 2003
18929 저널기사 Use of artificial neural network in the prediction of algal blooms/ 미리보기
Wei, Bin 2001
18930 저널기사 Use of Artificial Neural Networks in Transient Drainage Design 미리보기
Shukla, M. B American Society of Agricultural Engineers] 1996
18931 저널기사 Use of artificial sediments in a comparative toxicity study with larvae and postlarvae of the grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio 미리보기
Weber, D. E Elsevier Applied Science Publishers 1980
18932 저널기사 Use of a Salmonella typhimurium hilA fusion strain to assess effects of environmental fresh water sources on virulence gene expression/ 미리보기
Nutt, J. D Pergamon Press 2003
18933 저널기사 Use of a Selenium-Mercuric Oxide Combination in Determination of Nitrogen in Feed Materials / 미리보기
Taylor, Jr., L.V American Chemical Society 1933
18934 저널기사 Use of a serum-free medium for long-term storage of human corneas. Influence on endothelial cell density and corneal metabolism/ 미리보기
Hempel, Britta Springer-Verlag 2001
18935 저널기사 Use of a silastic silo for closure of the abdominal wall in a pediatric patient receiving a cadaveric split liver/ 미리보기
Jones, W. T Grune and Stratton 2003
18936 저널기사 Use of a simple, general targeting vector for replacing the DNA of the heavy chain constant region in mouse hybridoma cells/ 미리보기
Ronai, D North-Holland 2003
18937 저널기사 Use of a single preoperative dose of misoprostol is efficacious for patients who undergo abdominal myomectomy/ 미리보기
Celik, H American Fertility Society [etc.] 2003
18938 저널기사 Use of a Single Procedure for Selective Enrichment, Isolation, and Identification of Plasmid-Bearing Virulent Yersinia enterocolitica of Various Serotypes from Pork Samples 미리보기
Bhaduri, S American Society for Microbiology. 1980
18939 저널기사 Use of a Skin-Sparing Reduction Pattern to Create a Combination Skin-Muscle Flap Pocket in Immediate Breast Reconstruction/ 미리보기
Mukherjee, R. P Williams & Wilkins 2003
18940 저널기사 Use of a small molecule CCR5 inhibitor in macaques to treat simian immunodeficiency virus infection or prevent simian-human immunodeficiency virus infection/ 미리보기
Veazey, R. S Rockefeller University Press 2003
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