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18941 저널기사 Use of a Statistical Distribution of Electron Density to Describe the Bragg Scattering from a Linealy Disordered Crystal./ 미리보기
SCARINGE, RAYMOND. P Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1982
18942 저널기사 Use of a Subtractive Hybridization Approach to Identify New Medicago truncatula Genes Induced During Root Nodule Development 미리보기
Gamas, P APS Press 1996
18943 저널기사 Use of a Sulfinyl Tether to Control Diastereofacial Selectivity in [5C +2C] Pyrone-Alkene Cycloadditions 미리보기
Rumbo, A Pergamon Press 1980
18944 저널기사 Use of a Surfactant-Stabilized Emulsion To Deliver 1-Butanol for Density-Modified Displacement of Trichloroethene/ 미리보기
Ramsburg, C. A American Chemical Society 2003
18945 저널기사 Use of a Surrogate Stem for Eliciting Ovipositional Response of Busseolafusca (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) 미리보기
Khan, Z. R Entomological Society of America [etc.] 1980
18946 저널기사 Use of a synthetic hexaploid Triticum miguschovae for transfer of leaf rust resistance to common wheat 미리보기
Davoyan, R. O M. Nijhoff [etc.] 1996
18947 저널기사 Use of a Telephone Nursing Line in a Pediatric Neurology Clinic: One Approach to the Shortage of Subspecialists/ 미리보기
Letourneau, M. A American Academy of Pediatrics [etc.] 2003
18948 저널기사 Use of a text grammar for generating highlight abstracts of magazine articles/ 미리보기
Moens, Marie-Francine Aslib [etc.] 2000
Climo, S American Medical Association 1954
18950 저널기사 Use of atmospheric elemental size distributions in estimating aerosol sources in the Helsinki area/ 미리보기
Pakkanen, Tuomo A Pergamon 2001
18951 저널기사 Use of ATP measurements by bioluminescence to quantify yeast's sensitivity against a killer toxin/ 미리보기
Alfenore, S Elsevier Pub. Co 2003
18952 저널기사 Use of a transposon (Tndif) to obtain suppressing and nonsuppressing insertions of the dif resolvase site of Escherichia coli 미리보기
Kuempel, P Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in association with the Genetical Society of Great Britain 1980
18953 저널기사 Use of atropine in patients with chronotropic incompetence and poor exercise capacity during treadmill stress testing/ 미리보기
Munagala, V. K C. V. Mosby Co 2003
18954 저널기사 Use of Atropine to Reduce Mucosal Eversion During Intestinal Resection and Anastomosis in the Dog/ 미리보기
Agrodnia, M Lippincott 2003
18955 저널기사 Use of a Two-axis Neutron Diffractometer on an Angled Reactor Channel/ 미리보기
HAYWOOD, B. C. G 1974
18956 저널기사 Use of a two-hybrid assay to study the assembly of a complex multicomponent protein machinery: bacterial septosome differentiation/ 미리보기
Di Lallo, G Society for General Microbiology 2003
18957 저널기사 Use of a type-III trilateral external skeletal fixation device in three deer with comminuted fractures 미리보기
Mills, M. L American Veterinary Medical Association 1980
18958 저널기사 Use of Audio Computer-assisted Self-interviews to Assess Tuberculosis-related Risk Behavior/ 미리보기
Riley, Elise D 2001
18959 저널기사 Use of a unique freezing technology to cryopreserve ovarian tissue/ 미리보기
Prien, S. D American Fertility Society [etc.] 2003
18960 저널기사 Use of Australian cardoon extract in the manufacture of ovine milk cheese - a comparison with commercial rennet preparations/ 미리보기
Chen, S Published for the Insstitute of Food Science and Technology (U.K.) by Blackwell Scientific Publicati 2003
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