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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
19161 저널기사 Use of e-journals among research scholars at Central Science Library, University of Delhi 미리보기
Ali, P. M.; Nisha, F. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
19162 저널기사 Use of e-journals by research scholars at Aligarh Muslim University and Banaras Hindu University 미리보기
Khan, A. M.; Ahmad, N. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
19163 저널기사 Use of electively cryopreserved microsurgically aspirated epididymal sperm with IVF and intracytoplasmic sperm injection for obstructive azoospermia/ 미리보기
Janzen, Nicolette American Fertility Society [etc.] 2000
19164 저널기사 Use of Electrical Propeties for Grain-Moisture Measurements / 미리보기
Nelson, S. O 1977
19165 저널기사 Use of Electric Bedding Devices and Risk of Breast Cancer in African-American Women/ 미리보기
Zhu, K J. B. Lippincott 2003
19166 저널기사 Use of Electrodeposition for Repair of Concrete with Shrinkage Cracks/ 미리보기
Otsuki, Nobuaki American Society of Civil Engineers, Materials Engineering Division 2001
19167 저널기사 Use of electroejaculation to collect semen samples from wild seals 미리보기
Lawson, J. W American Veterinary Medical Association 1980
19168 저널기사 Use of electromyography in sevens injure wild birds 미리보기
Holland, M American Veterinary Medical Association 1980
19169 저널기사 Use of electromyography to predict functional outcome after epidural spinal injections for lumbar radiculopathy./ 미리보기
Fish, D. E American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
19170 저널기사 Use of electron beam-induced current in a SEM for analysis of space solar cells 미리보기
Hardingham, C Chapman and Hall 1996
19171 저널기사 Use of electronic information resources and facilities by humanities scholars 미리보기
Tahir, M.; Mahmood, K.; Shafique, F. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
19172 저널기사 Use of electronic journals by doctoral research scholars of Goa University, India 미리보기
Chirra, R.; Madhusudhan, M. THE PIERIAN PRESS, INC. 2009
19173 저널기사 Use of Electronic Payment Instruments and Effect on Cash Management: A Micro Analysis 미리보기
K.P. Radhika;P. Ambiga Devi New Delhi Publishers 2018
19174 저널기사 Use of electronic resources by research scholars of Kurukshetra University 미리보기
Madhusudhan, M. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
19175 저널기사 Use of electronic resources in business school libraries of an Indian state: A study of librarians' opinion 미리보기
Swain, D. K.; Panda, K. C. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
19176 저널기사 Use of electron spin resonance technique for the detection of irradiated rice seeds (Oryza sativa L.)/ 미리보기
Polat, M Published for the Insstitute of Food Science and Technology (U.K.) by Blackwell Scientific Publicati 2003
19177 저널기사 Use of ELISA Immunoassay Kits as a Complement to HPLC Analysis of Imazapyr and Triclopyr in Water Samples from Forest Watersheds 미리보기
Fischer, J. B Springer-Verlag 1980
19178 저널기사 Use of embryo transfer and IVF to bypass effects of heat stress/ 미리보기
Rutledge, J J Butterworths, etc 2001
19179 저널기사 Use of embryo transfer and IVF to bypass effects of heat stress/ 미리보기
Rutledge, J J Butterworths, etc 2001
19180 저널기사 Use of embryo transfer to prevent the transmission of sheep pulmonary adenomatosis 미리보기
Parker, B. N. J Butterworths, etc 1997
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