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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
19201 저널기사 Use of Expanded Polytetrafluoroethylene in Aesthetic Surgery of the Face/ 미리보기
Singh, Sunanda W.B.Saunders 2000
19202 저널기사 Use of explorative scenarios in environmental policy-making?Evaluation of policy instruments for management of land, water and the built environment 미리보기
Svenfelt, A.; Engstrom, R.; Hojer, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
19203 저널기사 Use of Expression Analysis to Predict Outcome After Radical Prostatectomy/ 미리보기
Febbo, P. G American Urological Association Inc 2003
Zoll, P.M American Medical Association 1955
19205 저널기사 Use of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for treatment of nephrolithiasis and ureterolithiasis in five dogs 미리보기
Block, G American Veterinary Medical Association 1980
19206 저널기사 Use of extrusion-spheronization to develop an improved oral dosage form of indomethacin 미리보기
Deasy, P. B Elsevier/North Holland 1980
19207 저널기사 Use of factor analysis to investigate processes controlling the chemicalcomposition of four streams in the Adirondack Mountains, New York 미리보기
Evans, C. D Elsevier, etc 1980
19208 저널기사 Use of false rings in Austrian pine to reconstruct early growing season precipitation/ 미리보기
Wimmer, Rupert National Research Council of Canada 2000
19209 저널기사 Use of farm buildings by wild badgers: implications for the transmission of bovine tuberculosis 미리보기
Woodroffe, R.; Donnelly, C. A.; Ham, C.; Jackson, S. Y.; Moyes, K.; Chapman, K.; Stratton, N. G.; Cartwright, S. J. Springer 2017
19210 저널기사 Use of Fast ForwordTM to Enhance Language Development in Children With Cochlear Implants/ 미리보기
Schopmeyer, Betty Annals Pub. Co 2001
19211 저널기사 Use of Fat Replacers in Low Fat Mozzarella Cheese 미리보기
McMahon, D. J American Dairy Science Association 1996
19212 저널기사 Use of fatty acids as dietary indicators in northern krill, Meganyctiphanes norvegica, from northeastern Atlantic, Kattegat, and Mediterranean waters/ 미리보기
Virtue, Patti National Research Council Canada 2000
19213 저널기사 Use of fault-seal analysis in understanding petroleum migration in a complexly faulted anticlinal trap, Columbus Basin, offshore Trinidad/ 미리보기
Gibson, R. G American Association of Petroleum Geologists 2003
19214 저널기사 Use of fenton reagent to improve organic chemical biodegradability/ 미리보기
Chamarro, E 2001
19215 저널기사 Use of Ferrets in Laboratory Work and Research Investigations / 미리보기
Pyle, Norman J 1940
19216 저널기사 Use of Ferroelectric Hysteresis Parameters for Evaluation of Niobium Effects in Lead Zirconate Titanate Thin Films 미리보기
Klissurska, R. D American Ceramic Society 1980
19217 저널기사 Use of fetal magnetic resonance imaging in patients electing termination of pregnancy by dilation and evacuation/ 미리보기
Sharma, G C.V. Mosby Co 1900
19218 저널기사 Use of fibrin glue in percutaneous nephrolithotomy/ 미리보기
Mikhail, A. A Excerpta Medica, etc.] 2003
19219 저널기사 Use of field stakes to evaluate the decay resistance of woodfiber-thermoplastic composites/ 미리보기
Verhey, S. A Forest Products Research Society] 2003
19220 저널기사 Use of Filter Paper for Sample Collection and Transport in Steroid Pharmacology 미리보기
Howe, C. J American Association for Clinical Chemistry 1980
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