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19221 저널기사 Use of Filtration and Buffers in Raw Sugar Colour Measurements 미리보기
Ahmedna, M Blackwell Scientific Publ 1980
19222 저널기사 Use of finite element in micromechanics of natural composites 미리보기
Saliba, J. E Pergamon Press 1996
19223 저널기사 Use of fipronil to eliminate recurrent infestation by Trichodectes canisin a pack of bloodhounds 미리보기
Cooper, P. R The Association 1996
19224 저널기사 Use of FIRREA to Impose Liability in the Wake of the Global Financial Crisis: A New Weapon in the Arsenal to Prevent Financial Fraud 미리보기
Nan S. Ellis; Steven B. Dow; and David Safavian Stevens 2015
19225 저널기사 Use of fish biomarkers to assess the recovery of a lake ecosystem receiving pulp and paper mill effluents 미리보기
Petaenen, T Suomen Paperi- ja Puutavaralehi Oy] 1996
19226 저널기사 Use of fish biomarkers to assess the recovery of a lake ecosystem receiving pulp and paper mill effluents 미리보기
Petaenen, T Suomen Paperi- ja Puutavaralehi Oy 1996
19227 저널기사 Use of fish biomarkers to assess the recovery of a lake ecosystem receiving pulp and paper mill effluents 미리보기
19228 저널기사 Use of Flameless Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy in Immune Cytolysis for Nonradioactive Determination of Killer Cell Activity 미리보기
Borella, P American Association for Clinical Chemistry 1980
19229 저널기사 Use of flexibility tests in the manufacturing process of 60degree bjork-shiley convexo-concave valves and the risk of outlet strut fracture/ 미리보기
Omar, R. Z C.V. Mosby 2003
19230 저널기사 Use of Flow Field-Flow Fractionation for the Rapid Quantitation of Ribosome and Ribosomal Subunits in Escherichia coli at Different Protein Production Conditions 미리보기
Nilsson, M John Wiley & Sons[etc.] 1980
19231 저널기사 Use of FLT3 inhibitors in leukemia: a wrench in the activation loop/ 미리보기
Gilliland, D. G W.B. Saunders Co., etc.] 2003
Robinson, R.C.V American Medical Association 1955
19233 저널기사 Use of Fluorescein-Labeled Oligonucleotide for Analysis of Formation andDissociation Kinetics of T:A:T Triple-Stranded DNA: Effect of Divalent Cations 미리보기
Ellouze, C Japanese Biochemical Society 1980
19234 저널기사 Use of fluorescence decay times of 8-ANS-protein complexes to study the conformational transitions in proteins which unfold through the molten globule state 미리보기
Uversky, V. N North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
19235 저널기사 Use of fluorescence polarization to monitor MHC-peptide interactions in solution 미리보기
D�dier, S�verine 2001
19236 저널기사 Use of fluorescence probes to monitor function of the subunit proteins of the MexA-MexB-OprM drug extrusion machinery in Pseudomonas aeruginosa 미리보기
Ocaktan, A American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
19237 저널기사 Use of fluorescent in situ hybridization to evidence the presence of Helicobacter pylori in water/ 미리보기
Moreno, Y Pergamon Press 2003
19238 저널기사 Use of Fluorspar in Water Fluoridation 미리보기
Peng, C.-G American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division 1980
19239 저널기사 Use of fluoxetine for the treatment of stereotypical pacing behavior in a captive polar bear 미리보기
Poulsen, E. M. B American Veterinary Medical Association 1980
19240 저널기사 Use of fluoxetine to treat dominance aggression in dogs 미리보기
Dodman, N. H American Veterinary Medical Association 1980
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