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19261 저널기사 Use of Gauze Soaked in Povidone Iodine for Dressing Acute Open Wounds/ 미리보기
Misra, A Williams & Wilkins 2003
19262 저널기사 Use of GC-Olfactometry to Identify the Hop Aromatic Compounds in Beer/ 미리보기
Lermusieau, G American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 2001
19263 저널기사 Use of General Zoogeographical Subdivisions in Particular Zoogeographical Researches for the Example of the Palaearctic Antlion Fauna (Neuroptera, Myrmeleontidae)/ 미리보기
Krivokhatsky, V A American Institute of Biological Sciences 2000
19264 저널기사 Use of genetic algorithms for the simultaneous estimation of thin films thermal conductivity and contact resistances/ 미리보기
Orain, S Pergamon Press 2001
19265 저널기사 Use of Genetic Algorithms in the Optimization of Free Radical Polymerizations Exhibiting the Trommsdorff Effect 미리보기
Chakravarthy, S. S. S Wiley 1997
19266 저널기사 Use of genetic artificial neural networks and spectral imaging for defect detection on cherries/ 미리보기
Guyer, Daniel Elsevier 2000
19267 저널기사 Use of Genotypic Resistance Testing To Guide HIV Therapy: Clinical Impact and Cost-Effectiveness/ 미리보기
Weinstein, M C American College of Physicians] 2001
19268 저널기사 Use of Geographic Information Systems in Ground-Water Flow Modeling 미리보기
Watkins, D. W American Society of Civil Engineers, Water Resources Planning and Management Division 1996
19269 저널기사 Use of German Cockroach (Dictyoptera: Blatellidae) Fecal Extract To Enhance Toxic Bait Performance in the Presence of Alternative Food Sources 미리보기
Miller, D. M Entomological Society of America [etc.] 1980
19270 저널기사 Use of Germanium Initiators in Ring-Opening Polymerization of l-Lactide/ 미리보기
Finne, A John Wiley & Sons 2003
19271 저널기사 Use of gibberellins on `Patterson' apricot (Prunus armeniaca) to reduce hand thinning and improve fruit size and firmness: Effects over three seasons 미리보기
Southwick, S. M Headley Brothers 1997
19272 저널기사 Use of gibberellin to delay maturity and improve fruit quality of 'French' prune 미리보기
Southwick, Stephen M Headley Brothers 1996
19273 저널기사 Use of glucono-delta-lactone in the manufacture of yogurt 미리보기
Fly, J. A Dairy Industry Assn. of Australia 1980
19274 저널기사 Use of Glycerol in Iodometry / 미리보기
Bawden, A.T American Chemical Society 1933
19275 저널기사 Use of glyceryl trinitrate patches in patients with ureteral stones: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study/ 미리보기
Hussain, Z Excerpta Medica, etc.] 2001
19276 저널기사 Use of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) and Prostaglandin F~2�(PGF~2� Synchronize Ovulations in Superstimulated Cattle 미리보기
Gray, B Butterworths, etc 1996
19277 저널기사 Use of GPS to identify the grazing areas of hill sheep 미리보기
Rutter, S. M Elsevier 1997
19278 저널기사 Use of Graded Finite Elements to Model the Behavior of Nonhomogeneous Materials/ 미리보기
Santare, M H American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2000
19279 저널기사 Use of grain-oriented materials in low-frequency magnetic shielding/ 미리보기
Bottauscio, O North-Holland Pub. Co 2000
19280 저널기사 Use of Graph Theory for Secondary Structure Recognition and Sequential Assignment in Heteronuclear (^1^3C, ^1^5N) NMR Spectra: Application to HU Protein from Bacillus stearothermophilus 미리보기
Van Geerestein-Ujah, E. C John Wiley & Sons, etc.] 1996
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