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19421 저널기사 Use of mammography screening among older Samoan women in Los Angeles county: a diffusion network approach/ 미리보기
Levy-Storms, L Pergamon 2003
19422 저널기사 Use of manufactured foods enriched with fish oils as a means of increasing long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid intake 미리보기
Lovegrove, J. A Cambridge University Press 1980
19423 저널기사 Use of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Analysis with a Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Model of Methylmercury to Estimate Exposures in U.S. Women of Childbearing Age 미리보기
Allen, B. C.; Eric Hack, C.; Clewell, H. J. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
19424 저널기사 Use of Mass- and Area-Dimensional Power Laws for Determining Precipitation Particle Terminal Velocities 미리보기
Mitchell, D. L American Meteorological Society 1980
19425 저널기사 Use of Mathematical Programming Techniques for Phase Determination 미리보기
LESK, ARTHUR M Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1972
19426 저널기사 Use of matrix attachment regions (MARs) to minimize transgene silencing/ 미리보기
Allen, George C Martinus Nijhoff/Dr. W. Junk 2000
19427 저널기사 Use of matrix direct methods for low-resolution phase extension for tRNA : 미리보기
PODJARNY, A. D Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1977
19428 저널기사 Use of Matrix ?Direct Methods for Low-Resolution Phase extension for tRNA/ 미리보기
PODJARNY, A. D Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1977
19429 저널기사 Use of Mechanistic Models to Estimate Low-Dose Cancer Risks 미리보기
19430 저널기사 Use of Medians and "Average of Normals" of Patients' Data for Assessmentof Long-Term Analytical Stability 미리보기
Lott, J. A American Association for Clinical Chemistry 1980
19431 저널기사 Use of Melengestrol Acetate-Based Treatments to Induce and Synchronize Estrus in Seasonally Anestrous Ewes 미리보기
Powell, M. R American Society of Animal Science [etc.] 1996
19432 저널기사 Use of membrane concentrated cottage cheese whey in ice-creams 미리보기
Nguyen, M. H Dairy Industry Assn. of Australia 1980
19433 저널기사 Use of Mental Health Services by Veterans With PTSD After the Terrorist Attacks of September 11/ 미리보기
Rosenheck, R American Psychiatric Association] 2003
Perlstein, M.A American Medical Association 1956
19435 저널기사 Use of Mercurous Chloride for Separation, Detection, and Estimation of Easily Reduced Elements / 미리보기
Pierson Gordon G American Chemical Society 1939
19436 저널기사 Use of Metabolic Markers To Identify Overweight Individuals Who Are Insulin Resistant/ 미리보기
McLaughlin, T American College of Physicians] 2003
19437 저널기사 Use of metabolic measurement in determining the nutritional needs in a child in a persistent vegetative state: a case report. Lisa J. Enders, MD (MCV/VCU, Richmond, VA); Eugenio Monasterio, MD, e-mail: endersl@pol.net/ 미리보기
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
19438 저널기사 Use of Metalated Enecarbamates in the Squarate Cascade. Direct Access toHighly Functionalized 2,4-cyclooctadienones by Intramolecular Interception of the Mesocyclic Dienolates 미리보기
Paquette, L. A Pergamon Press 1980
19439 저널기사 Use of methodology of “underdevelopment whirlpools” with analysis of problems and perspectives of economic growth in Asian countries 미리보기
Popkova, E.G. Emerald Group Publishing Limited
19440 저널기사 Use of methoxamine in the resuscitation of epinephrine-resistant electromechanical dissociation/ 미리보기
Mcbrien, M E Published for the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland by Academic Press [and] 2001
맨앞 이전 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 다음 맨뒤
