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19441 저널기사 Use of Methyl 2-(Bromomethyl)acrylate as a Chain-Transfer Agent To Yield Functionalized Macromonomers via Conventional and Living Radical Polymerizations/ 미리보기
Bon, Stefan A F American Chemical Society 2000
19442 저널기사 Use of methylene blue and N,O-carboxymethylchitosan to prevent postoperative adhesions in a rat uterine horn model/ 미리보기
Cetin, M American Fertility Society [etc.] 2003
19443 저널기사 Use of Microcalorimetry for Assay of Beer Protease Activity 미리보기
Philpott, J American Society of Brewing Chemists 1980
19444 저널기사 Use of Microcompter Spreadsheet Software in Preparing and Grading Complex Accounting Problems 미리보기
ARTHUR L. THOMAS;; unknown 1983
19445 저널기사 Use of microcomputers for self-assessment and continuing education in anaesthesia/ 미리보기
SCHMULIAN,CAROL British Medical Association 1982
19446 저널기사 Use of microdialysis for in-vivo monitoring of hydroxyl free-radical generation in the rat 미리보기
Obata, T Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain 1980
19447 저널기사 Use of microorganism-immobilized polyurethane foams to absorb and degrade oil on water surface/ 미리보기
Oh, Y-S Springer International 2000
19448 저널기사 Use of microorganisms in protection of environment from pollution by sulphur compounds / 미리보기
D.Yu., Sorokin s.n.] 1994
19449 저널기사 Use of microparticle technology in retention systems for publication paper manufacture 미리보기
19450 저널기사 Use of microparticle technology in retention systems for publication paper manufacture 미리보기
Kettunen, K Suomen Paperi- ja Puutavaralehi Oy] 1996
19451 저널기사 Use of microparticle technology in retention systems for publication paper manufacture 미리보기
Kettunen, K Suomen Paperi- ja Puutavaralehi Oy 1996
19452 저널기사 Use of Microsatellite DNA to Distinguish Malting and Nonmalting Barley Cultivars 미리보기
William, M American Society of Brewing Chemists 1980
19453 저널기사 Use of Microtox for Assessing Heavy Metal Complex Formation With the Organic Solvents Acetontrile and Dimethyl Sulphoxide: A Preliminary Study/ 미리보기
Cooper, C Springer-Verlag 2001
19454 저널기사 Use of Microwave and Lower Fequency RF Energy for Improving Alfalfa Seed Germination / 미리보기
Nelson, S. O International Microwave Power Institute] 1976
19455 저널기사 use of Microwave Radiation to Study Plant-environment Interactions / 미리보기
Barthakur, N 1975
19456 저널기사 Use of microwave single extractions for metal fractionation in sewage sludge samples/ 미리보기
P�rez Cid, B Elsevier Pub. Co 2001
19457 저널기사 Use of midcycle GnRH antagonist for patients awaiting oocyte donation due to poor ovarian response and multiple trials of IVF./ 미리보기
Giraldo, V C American Fertility Society [etc.] 2001
19458 저널기사 Use of Military Force in Syria by Turkey, NATO, and the United States 미리보기
Paust, Jordan J. University of Pennsylvania Law School
19459 저널기사 Use of mineral admixtures to prevent thaumasite formation in limestone cement mortar/ 미리보기
Tsivilis, S Elsevier Science Publishers 2003
19460 저널기사 Use of Miniature Ultrasonic Probe System for Intravesical Ultrasonography for Transitional Cell Cancer of the Urinary Tract/ 미리보기
Tomita, Yoshihiko The Almpvist and Wiksell Periodical Co 2000
맨앞 이전 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 다음 맨뒤
