19521 |
Use of NMR to Detect Water Within Nonpolar Protein Cavities
Matthews, B. W
American Association for the Advancement of Science
19522 |
Use of N,N-dimethylformamide as solvent in the synthesis of N-phenylanthranilic acids
Pellon, R. F
Pergamon Press
19523 |
Use of Noncircular Gears to Reduce Torque and Speed Fluctuations in Rotating Shafts
Dooner, D. B
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
19524 |
Use of Nonlinear Differential Viscoelastic Models to Predict the Rheological Properties of Gluten Dough/
Dhanasekharan, M
Food & Nutrition Press
19525 |
Use of nonporous polymeric flat-sheet gas-separation membranes in a membrane-liquid contactor: experimental studies
Bessarabov, D. G
Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co
19526 |
Use of nonstoichiometry to form GaAs tunnel junctions
Ahmed, S
American Institute of Physics
19527 |
Use of NSE/PS2m-transgenic mice in the study of the protective effect of exercise on Alzheimer's disease/
Cho, J. Y
E. & F.N. Spon Ltd
19528 |
Use of N-tritylamino acids and PyAOP for the suppression of diketopiperazine formation in Fmoc/^tBu solid-phase peptide synthesis using alkoxybenzyl ester anchoring linkages
Alsina, J
Pergamon Press
19529 |
Use of nuclear b decay as a test of bulk neutrinos in extra dimensions (10 pages
McLaughlin, G C
19530 |
Use of nuclear scintigraphy with ^9^9^mTc-HMPAO-labelled leucocytes to assess small intestinal malabsorption in 17 horses/
Menzies-Gow, N. J
The Association
19531 |
The use of nuclear weapons and the protection of the environment during international armed conflict
법학도서관 대출가능
Erik Koppe
Hart Pub.
19532 |
Use of Nucleic Acid Dyes SYTO-13, TOTO-1, and YOYO-1 in the Study of Escherichia coli and Marine Prokaryotic Populations by Flow Cytometry
Guindulain, T
American Society for Microbiology.
19533 |
Use of O-Antigen Gene Cluster-Specific PCRs for the Identification and O-Genotyping of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Yersinia pestis/
Bogdanovich, T
American Society for Microbiology
19534 |
Use of Obliquely Rotated Principal Component Analysis to Identify Coherent Structures
Rinker, D. K
D. Reidel Pub. Co
19535 |
Use of octamethyl pyrophosphoramide in the treatment of myasthenia gravis /
Schulman, S
American Medical Association
19536 |
Use of Off-Label and Non-Approved Drugs and Devices in Plastic Surgery/
Rohrich, R. J
Williams & Wilkins
19537 |
Use of Olive Oil for Soil Extraction and Ultraviolet Degradation of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzolurans/
Isosaari, Pirio
American Chemical Society
19538 |
Use of on-line tracers as a diagnostic tool in general circulation modeldevelopment, 1, Horizontal and vertical transport in the troposphere
Rind, D
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
19539 |
Use of open access journals in biomedicine in Greece
Vlachaki, A.; Urquhart, C.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
19540 |
Use of open data to improve automobile insurance premium rating
Angel Blesa ; David Íñiguez ; Rubén Moreno ; Gonzalo Ruiz
NTC Publications Ltd