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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
19541 저널기사 Use of open phenol blocks in the treatment of lower-extremity spasticity in an adult with severe traumatic brain injury: a case report/ 미리보기
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
19542 저널기사 Use of Operating Room Information System Data to Predict the Impact of Reducing Turnover Times on Staffing Costs/ 미리보기
Dexter, F International Anesthesia Research Society] 2003
19543 저널기사 Use of operating theatres 미리보기
BARR, A British Medical Association 1982
19544 저널기사 Use of optimization algorithms to prioritize protected areas in Mazandaran Province of Iran 미리보기
Mehri, A.; Salmanmahiny, A.; Mirkarimi, S. H.; Rezaei, H. R. Urban & Fischer 2014
19545 저널기사 Use of Organic Copolymers as Compatibilizers for Organic-Inorganic Composites 미리보기
Landry, C. J. T American Chemical Society 1996
19546 저널기사 Use of Organic Cosmotropic Solutes to Crystallize Flexible Proteins: Application to T7 RNA Polymerase and its Complex with the Inhibitor T7 Lysozyme 미리보기
Jeruzalmi, D Academic Press 1980
19547 저널기사 Use of Organoclay as Secondary Containment for Gasoline Storage Tanks/ 미리보기
Lo, Irene M C 2001
19548 저널기사 Use of Osmotic Agents in Microdialysis Studies to Improve the Recovery of Macromolecules/ 미리보기
Trickler, W. J American Pharmaceutical Association 2003
19549 저널기사 Use of overlapping peptide mixtures as antigens for cytokine flow cytometry/ 미리보기
Maecker, Holden T 2001
19550 저널기사 Use of oxygen-stabilized C~6~0 films for selective chemical vapor deposition 미리보기
McGinnis, S American Institute of Physics 1980
19551 저널기사 Use of Ozone for Food Processing 미리보기
Graham, D. M Food technology, etc.] 1997
19552 저널기사 Use of ozonolysis in the synthesis of C-terminal peptide aldehydes on solid support 미리보기
Pothion, C Pergamon Press 1980
19553 저널기사 Use of Packed Beds for Demisting Gases: High-Temperature Applications 미리보기
Suppes, C. J American Institute of Chemical Engineers] 1980
19554 저널기사 Use of Palladium Tube in Gas analysis / 미리보기
Fleiger, A. G American Chemical Society 1938
19555 저널기사 Use of Palm Mid-Fraction in White Chocolate Formulation 미리보기
Samsudin, S Blackwell Scientific Publ 1980
19556 저널기사 Use of Partial Least Squares (PLS) in Strategic Management Research: A Review of Four Recent Studies 미리보기
Hulland, J. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 1999
19557 저널기사 Use of partial prostatectomy for treatment of prostatic abscesses and cysts in dogs 미리보기
Rawlings, C. A American Veterinary Medical Association 1980
19558 저널기사 Use of participatory epidemiology in studies of the persistence of lineage 2 rinderpest virus in East Africa/ 미리보기
Mariner, J. C The Association 2003
19559 저널기사 Use of Passive Radiation Barriers in Ventilated Attics 미리보기
Moujaes, S American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers 1980
19560 저널기사 Use of pasture sampling to determine equine strongyle larvae contamination / 미리보기
Ludwig, K.G Veterinary Medicine Pub. Co 1984
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