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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
19661 저널기사 Use of Recombinant Cyprosin in the Manufacture of Ewe's Milk Cheese/ 미리보기
Fernandez-Salguero, J American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 2003
19662 저널기사 Use of Recombinant Gonadotropins for Bovine Embryo Production In Vitro 미리보기
Martins, A Butterworths, etc 1998
19663 저널기사 Use of recombinant human chorionic gonadotropin in ovulation induction/ 미리보기
Ludwig, M. i American Fertility Society [etc.] 2003
19664 저널기사 Use of Recombinant Human Erythropoietin in Two-Stage Total Knee Arthroplasty for Infection/ 미리보기
Cushner, Fred D J.B.Lippincott 2001
19665 저널기사 Use of recombinant substitution lines for gene mapping and QTL analysis of bread making quality in wheat/ 미리보기
Rousset, M M. Nijhoff [etc.] 2001
19666 저널기사 Use of Reconstructed Sagittal Computed Tomography Images to Plan Middle Cranial Fossa Surgery/ 미리보기
Olson, Krista L Laryngoscope 2001
19667 저널기사 Use of Recultivated Electrofilter Ash Dumping Areas for Sheep Breeding/ 미리보기
Pestevsek, U Springer-Verlag 2000
19668 저널기사 Use of Red Supergiant Spectral Features as Age Indicators in Starburst Regions 미리보기
Mavva, Y. D Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
19669 저널기사 Use of Reduced Sulfur Compounds by Beggiatoa spp.: Enzymology and Physiology of Marine and Freshwater Strains in Homogeneous and Gradient Cultures 미리보기
Hagen, K. D American Society for Microbiology. 1980
19670 저널기사 Use of reductive properties of iodotrichlorosilane - II: Chemoselective reduction of ��unsaturated ketones and nitriles 미리보기
Elmorsy, S. S Pergamon Press 1980
19671 저널기사 Use of Reinforcement Principles to Reinstate Self-Care Activities in a Deaf and Blind Psychiatric Patient / 미리보기
Peterson, Kathleen A Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1977
19672 저널기사 Use of relationship marketing programs in building customer?salesperson and customer?firm relationships: Differential influences on financial outcomes 미리보기
Palmatier, R. W.; Scheer, L. K.; Houston, M. B.; Evans, K. R.; Gopalakrishna, S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
19673 저널기사 Use of remote bunk monitoring to record effects of breed, feeding regime and weather on feeding behaviour and growth performance of cattle/ 미리보기
Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K. S Agricultural Institute of Canada 2003
19674 저널기사 Use of Remote Communications to Transmit Product Quality Information from Polymer-Based, Time Temperature Indicator's / 미리보기
Kral, A. H The Association 1988
Bartfeld, Harry American Medical Association 1955
19676 저널기사 Use of reserpine (serpasil) in the management of chronic alcoholism / 미리보기
Wells, R.E American Medical Association 1957
19677 저널기사 Use of Residential Construction Waste and Residues from Red Ceramic Industry in Alternative Mortars/ 미리보기
Amorim, L. V American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division 2003
19678 저널기사 Use of response surface methodology to describe the combined effects of pH, temperature and E/S ratio on the hydrolysis of dogfish (Squalus acanthias) muscle 미리보기
Diniz, F. M Published for the Insstitute of Food Science and Technology (U.K.) by Blackwell Scientific Publicati 1996
19679 저널기사 Use of Response Surfaces to Investigate Metal Ion Interactions in Yeast Fermentations 미리보기
Chandrasena, G American Society of Brewing Chemists 1980
19680 저널기사 Use of R Factors in the Study of the Structural Defects in Phyllosilicates by X-ray Powder Diffraction 미리보기
Taser, M Munksgaard International Booksellers and Publishers 1980
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