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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
19721 저널기사 Use of Sensitivity Analysis to Assess Reliability of Metabolic and Physiological Models 미리보기
19722 저널기사 Use of Sequence-Specific Tri-Block Copolymers to Determine the Helix-Forming Tendencies of Amino Acids 미리보기
Rothwarf, D. M John Wiley & Sons, etc.] 1995
19723 저널기사 Use of Sequencing Batch Reactor for Biological Denitrification of High Nitrate-Containing Water/ 미리보기
Mekonen, Alemayehu American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division 2001
19724 저널기사 Use of sequential structure in simulation from high-dimensional systems (7 pages 미리보기
Liang, F Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2003
19725 저널기사 Use of serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) technology/ 미리보기
Yamamoto, Mikio North-Holland 2001
19726 저널기사 Use of serial proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy to differentiate low grade glioma from tumefactive plaque in a patient with multiple sclerosis/ 미리보기
Butteriss, D. J. A British Institute of Radiology 2003
19727 저널기사 Use of Series Title Authority Cross-References at a Large University Library 미리보기
McCurley, H. H American Library Association 1980
19728 저널기사 Use of Sewage Sludge Ash as Brick Material/ 미리보기
Lin, Deng-Fong American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division 2001
19729 저널기사 Use of shift work in globally distributed software development: Sri Lankan IT professionals' perspective 미리보기
Wickramasinghe, V.; Silva, C. D. EMERALD 2011
19730 저널기사 Use of Short-Term Progestin Treatment to Resynchronize the Second EstrusFollowing Synchronized Breeding in Beef Heifers 미리보기
Purvis, H. T Butterworths, etc 1997
19731 저널기사 Use of SiBN and SiBON Films Prepared by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition from Borazine as Interconnection Dielectrics 미리보기
Kane, W. F Electrochemical Society 1980
19732 저널기사 Use of siderophores to type pseudomonads: the three Pseudomonas aeruginosa pyoverdine systems 미리보기
Meyer, J.-M Society for General Microbiology 1980
19733 저널기사 Use of Silica cotton in Filter Crucibles / 미리보기
Russell, W. Walker American Chemical Society 1939
19734 저널기사 Use of silica-immobilized humin for heavy metal removal from aqueous solution under flow conditions/ 미리보기
de la Rosa, G Elsevier Applied Science 2003
19735 저널기사 Use of Silicon-Based Tethers to Control Diastereofacial Selectivity in Azomethine Ylide Cycloadditions 미리보기
Garner, P American Chemical Society [etc.] 1980
19736 저널기사 Use of siloxanes to increase dye fastness on leather/ 미리보기
Hudson, Andrew Society of Dyers and Colourists] 2000
19737 저널기사 Use of silver hake and herring and the corresponding silages in mink diets during the growing-furring period 미리보기
Rouvinen, K. I Agricultural Institute of Canada 1996
19738 저널기사 Use of Silylation Procedure and ^1^3C-NMR Spectroscopy To Characterize Bound and Sequestered Residues of Cyprodinil in Soil 미리보기
Dec, J American Chemical Society 1980
19739 저널기사 Use of similarity measures for quality control of benthic diatom samples/ 미리보기
Kelly, M G 2001
19740 저널기사 Use of simulation for planning of work organization in highly automated production systems - Two case studies 미리보기
Zuelch, G.;Heitz, M.-J.;Schindele, H. Elsevier 1995
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