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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
19741 저널기사 Use of Single-System Research to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment of Schizophrenia/ 미리보기
Bradshaw, W British Association of Social Workers 2003
19742 저널기사 Use of Sintered Glass Disks in Distillations/ 미리보기
Mattikow, M American Chemical Society 1935
19743 저널기사 Use of Site-directed Chemical Modification to Study an Essential Lysine in Escherichia coli Leader Peptidase 미리보기
Paetzel, M American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
19744 저널기사 Use of slow release starch (SRS) to treat hypoglycaemia in type 1 diabetics 미리보기
Qi, X.; Band, M.; Tester, R.; Piggott, J.; Hurel, S. J. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
19745 저널기사 Use of smart phone apps in co-creative hotel service innovation: an evidence from India 미리보기
Kamboj, Shampy; Gupta, Shivam Channel View Books 2020
19746 저널기사 Use of SNIF-NMR and IRMS in combination with chemometric methods for the determination of chaptalisation and geographical origin of wines (the example of Slovenian wines)/ 미리보기
Kosir, Iztok Joze Elsevier Pub. Co 2001
19747 저널기사 Use of (S)-N-tert-butoxycarbonylaziridine-2-carboxylate derivatives for �amino acid synthesis 미리보기
Baldwin, J. E Pergamon Press 1980
19748 저널기사 Use of social capital among Russian managers of a new generation 미리보기
Butler, B.; Purchase, S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
19749 저널기사 Use of social media at work: a new form of employee voice? 미리보기
Holland, Peter; Cooper, Brian K.; Hecker, Rob Routledge 2016
19750 저널기사 Use of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis to Measure Degradation of Soluble Soybean Proteins by Prevotella ruminicola GA33or Mixed Ruminal Microbes In Vitro 미리보기
Schwingel, W. R American Society of Animal Science [etc.] 1996
19751 저널기사 Use of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to resolve mRNA and its protein product in one gel 미리보기
Gao, W The Federation 1980
19752 저널기사 Use of Soil and Water Protection Practices Among Farmers in Three Midwest Watersheds/ 미리보기
Napier, Ted L Springer-Verlag] 2001
19753 저널기사 Use of Solid Carbon Dioxide in the Determination of Tin / 미리보기
White, H.I American Chemical Society 1934
19754 저널기사 Use of solid electrolytic erosion for generating nano-aperture near-field collectors 미리보기
Mulin, D American Institute of Physics 1980
19755 저널기사 Use of Solid-Phase Extraction To Determine Ergosterol Concentrations in Plant Tissue Colonized by Fungi 미리보기
Gessner, M. O American Society for Microbiology. 1980
19756 저널기사 Use of solid superacid (sulphated SnO~2) as efficient catalyst in faciletransesterification of ketoesters 미리보기
Chavan, S. P Pergamon Press 1980
19757 저널기사 Use of solid supported nucleophiles and electrophiles for the purification of non-peptide small molecule libraries 미리보기
Kaldor, S. W Pergamon Press 1980
19758 저널기사 Use of solution calorimetry to determine the extent of crystallinity of drugs and excipients 미리보기
Gao, D Elsevier/North Holland 1980
19759 저널기사 Use of solvents in industries in Korea: experience in Sinpyeong-Jangrim industrial complex/ 미리보기
Moon, Chan-Seok Springer-Verlag 2001
19760 저널기사 Use of solvents to enhance PAH biodegradation of coal tar-/ 미리보기
Lee, Pak-Hing Pergamon Press 2001
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