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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
19761 저널기사 Use of somaclonal variation and in vitro selection for chilling tolerance improvement in rice 미리보기
Bertin, P M. Nijhoff [etc.] 1997
19762 저널기사 Use of some natural and waste materials for waste water treatment/ 미리보기
Ahsan, Shamim Pergamon Press 2001
19763 저널기사 Use of Some Plant Wastes as Fillers for Polypropylene/ 미리보기
Eboatu, A. N Wiley 2003
19764 저널기사 Use of Sonication to Probe Wheat Gluten Structure./ 미리보기
Singh, H American Association of Cereal Chemists 2001
19765 저널기사 Use of Sonography and Radioisotope Renography to Diagnose Hydronephrosis in Patients With Spinal Cord Injury/ 미리보기
Tsai, Su-Ju 2001
Nine, R D American Society of Agricultural Engineers] 2000
19767 저널기사 Use of Soy Protein Concentrates and Lecithin Products in Diets Fed to Coho and Atlantic Salmon 미리보기
Brown, P. B American Oil Chemists' Society 1980
19768 저널기사 Use of Space Technology to Explore for Natural Resources 미리보기
V. Bozh'ev;I. Perlov M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
19769 저널기사 Use Of SPAD Meter in Diagnosis of Nutritional Status on Apple and Grapevine/ 미리보기
Porro, D International Society for Horticultural Science 2001
19770 저널기사 Use of specialized coagulation testing in the evaluation of patients with acute ischemic stroke/ 미리보기
Bushnell, C Advanstar Communications [etc.] 2001
19771 저널기사 Use of spectral analysis to estimate short-term periodicities in growth rates of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis 미리보기
Wafa Aboul Hosn National Research Council Canada 1980
19772 저널기사 Use of spectral gamma-ray signature to interpret stratigraphic surfaces in carbonate strata: An example from the Finnmark carbonate platform (Carboniferous-Permian), Barents Sea/ 미리보기
Ehrenberg, S N American Association of Petroleum Geologists 2001
19773 저널기사 Use of Spectral Information and Machine Vision for Bruise Detection on Peaches and Apricots 미리보기
Zwiggelaar, R Academic Press, etc 1980
19774 저널기사 Use of Spin Echo Magic Angle Spinning 1^H NMR in Reaction Monitoring in Combinatiorial Organic Synthesis 미리보기
Garigipati, R. S American Chemical Society [etc.] 1980
19775 저널기사 Use of spin label EPR spectra to monitor peptide chain aggregation inside resin beads 미리보기
Cilli, E. M Pergamon Press 1980
19776 저널기사 Use of Spoken and Written Japanese Did Not Protect Japanese-American Men From Cognitive Decline in Late Life 미리보기
Crane, P. K.; Gruhl, J. C.; Erosheva, E. A.; Gibbons, L. E.; McCurry, S. M.; Rhoads, K.; Nguyen, V.; Arani, K.; Masaki, K.; White, L. Gerontological Society of America 2010
19777 저널기사 Use of Spreadsheet in Forecasting 미리보기
Sussmann, S. PERGAMON 1994
19778 저널기사 Use of sputum eosinophil count decreases asthma exacerbations/ 미리보기
Fagan, H. B Appleton and Lang Pub 2003
19779 저널기사 Use of Stable Free Radicals for the Sequential Preparation and Surface Grafting of Functionalized Macroporous Monoliths/ 미리보기
Meyer, Ulrika American Chemical Society 2000
19780 저널기사 Use of Stable Isotope Measurements To Evaluate the Origin of Sulfur in Gypsum Layers on Limestone Buildings 미리보기
Torfs, K. M American Chemical Society 1980
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