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19841 저널기사 Use of the Cook Airway Exchange Catheter® to Facilitate Fiberoptic Intubation: Are We Trying to Solve a Problem That We Created?/ 미리보기
El-Orbany, M. I American Society of Anesthesiologists, etc.] 2003
Knights, E.M.Jr American Medical Association 1956
19843 저널기사 Use of the Culture Method in the Clinical Management of Gonorrhea / 미리보기
Sewell, George 1941
19844 저널기사 Use of the DELI-microtest to determine the drug sensitivity of Plasmodium falciparum in Burkina Faso/ 미리보기
Moreno, A Academic Press [etc.] 2001
19845 저널기사 Use of the Delphi method to determine the constraints that affect the future size of large container ships 미리보기
Gomez Paz, Maria Alejandra; Camarero Orive, Alberto; González Cancelas, Nicoletta Taylor & Francis 2015
19846 저널기사 Use of the dicarboxylate ligand m-phenylenedipropionate for the synthesis of new Mn/O clusters. Synthesis, characterization and magnetic properties/ 미리보기
Ca�da-Vilalta, Cristina Pergamon Press 2001
19847 저널기사 Use of the e-business reception model to compare the level of advanced e-business solutions reception in service and manufacturing companies 미리보기
Pastuszak, Z. Inderscience 2010
19848 저널기사 Use of the elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA) microbeam technique for the quantitative determination of hydrogen in materials and hydrogen partitioning between olivine and melt at high pressures 미리보기
Sweeney, R. J Pergamon Press 1980
19849 저널기사 Use of the Energy Flow Concept in Vibration Design 미리보기
Alfredsson, K. S American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1996
19850 저널기사 Use of the EPC Process Updates Metals Programs / 미리보기
Stanton Prakken Publications 1992
19851 저널기사 Use of the Ewald sphere in aligning crystal pairs to produce X-ray moire> fringes / 미리보기
BRA>DLER, J Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1968
19852 저널기사 Use of the extended BBCH scale - general for the descriptions of the growth stages of mono- and dicotyledonous weed species 미리보기
Hess, M Blackwell Scientific Publications 1997
19853 저널기사 Use of the Extraordinary Item. 미리보기
Gamble George O. ; Noland Thomas R. ; Ranasinghe Tharindra ; Dhole Sandip New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants 2012
19854 저널기사 Use of the fast field program for predicting diffraction of sound by curved surfaces 미리보기
Chambers, J. P American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
19855 저널기사 Use of the fiber-optical monitor in evaluating the state of flocculation 미리보기
Huang, C Pergamon Press 1980
19856 저널기사 Use of the FIM™ Instrument in a Trial of Intramuscular Interferon beta-1a for Disease Progression in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis/ 미리보기
Granger, C. V Published by Williams & Wilkins for the Association of Academic Physiatrists 2003
19857 저널기사 Use of the Free Vastus Lateralis Flap in Skull Base Reconstruction/ 미리보기
Chana, J. S Williams & Wilkins 2003
19858 저널기사 Use of the Friedewald Formula to Estimate LDL-Cholesterol in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure on Dialysis 미리보기
Johnson, R American Association for Clinical Chemistry 1980
19859 저널기사 Use of the FT Raman spectrum of Na~2MoO~4 to study sample heating by thelaser 미리보기
Pope, S. J. A Pergamon Press 1980
19860 저널기사 Use of the GnRH analogue, deslorelin acetate, in a slow-release implant to accelerate ovulation in oestrous mares 미리보기
Meyers, P. J The Association 1997
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