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19861 저널기사 Use of the holmium yttrium aluminum garnet laser for percutaneous thoracolumbar intervertebral disk ablation in dogs 미리보기
Dickey, D. T American Veterinary Medical Association 1980
19862 저널기사 Use of the Human Services Model in a Private Outpatient Clinic / 미리보기
Wicks, Robert J Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1978
Zimmerman, H.S American Medical Association 1955
19864 저널기사 Use of the impulse oscillometry system for testing pulmonary function during methacholine bronchoprovocation in horses/ 미리보기
van Erck, E American Veterinary Medical Association 2003
19865 저널기사 Use of the independent-particle model to treat curve-crossing transitions (8 pages)/ 미리보기
Errea, L F Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2001
19866 저널기사 Use of the indirect immunofluorescence test for assaying anaerobic microbial communities 미리보기
Akimenko, V. K Elsevier Biomedical 1980
19867 저널기사 Use of the inlet gas composition to control the respiratory quotient in microaerobic bioprocesses 미리보기
Franzen, C. J Pergamon Press 1980
19868 저널기사 Use of the Internet and E-Mail for Medical Advice and Information by Parents of a University Pediatric Faculty Practice/ 미리보기
Baraff, L. J J.B.Lippincott Co 2003
19869 저널기사 Use of the Internet by medical voluntary groups in the UK/ 미리보기
Fox, Nick 2001
19870 저널기사 Use of the internet for self-education by patients with prostate cancer/ 미리보기
Pautler, Stephen E Excerpta Medica, etc.] 2001
19871 저널기사 Use of the Internet for willingness-to-pay surveys: A comparison of face-to-face and web-based interviews 미리보기
Nielsen, J. S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
19872 저널기사 Use of the Jarvik 2000 Left Ventricular Assist System as a Bridge to Heart Transplantation or as Destination Therapy for Patients With Chronic Heart Failure/ 미리보기
Frazier, O. H J. B. Lippincott [etc.] 2003
19873 저널기사 Use of the Kalman filter to reconstruct historical trends in productivity of Bristol Bay sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)/ 미리보기
Peterman, R. M National Research Council Canada 2003
19874 저널기사 Use of the Kit Fox field data to analyze dense gas dispersion modeling issues/ 미리보기
Hanna, Steven R Pergamon 2001
19875 저널기사 Use of the Laboratory in Prediction of Outcome in the High-Risk Newborn 미리보기
Synnes, A. R American Association for Clinical Chemistry 1980
19876 저널기사 Use of the laplace transform technique for simple kinetic parameters evaluation. Application to the adsorption of a protein on porous beads 미리보기
Membrez, J Pergamon Press 1980
19877 저널기사 Use of the laryngeal tube in 100 patients/ 미리보기
Asai, T Munksgaard [etc.] 2003
19878 저널기사 Use of the lichen Rhizoplaca melanophthalma as a biomonitor in relation to phosphate refineries near Pocatello, Idaho 미리보기
Dillman, K. L Elsevier Applied Science Publishers 1980
19879 저널기사 Use of the Lognormal Distribution Function To Describe Orientational Relaxation in Optically Nonlinear Polymers 미리보기
Verbiest, T American Chemical Society 1996
19880 저널기사 Use of the Maximum Likelihood Method for Composition Data Analysis in the Radical Copolymerization Terminal Model/ 미리보기
Oracz, P Huthig & Wepf 2001
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