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19901 저널기사 Use of the Producer Subsidy Equivalent Measure in Transition Economies: Discussion 미리보기
Meyers, W. H American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
19902 저널기사 Use of the Producer Subsidy Equivalent Measure in Transition Economies: Discussion 미리보기
Meyers, W. H. unknown 1996
19903 저널기사 Use of the Producer Subsidy Equivalent measure in transition economies: Discussion 미리보기
Meyers, William H American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
19904 저널기사 Use of the Production Function in Calculation of Standard Cost Variances-An extension 미리보기
19905 저널기사 Use of the ProSeal Laryngeal Mask Airway to Initiative Ventilation During Intensive Care and Subsequent Percutaneous Tracheostomy/ 미리보기
Cook, T. M International Anesthesia Research Society] 2003
19906 저널기사 Use of the ProSeal™ laryngeal mask airway in a pregnant patient with a difficult airway during electroconvulsive therapy/ 미리보기
Brown, N. I Macmillan Journals 2003
19907 저널기사 Use of the proximal portion of the tibia for measurement of the tibial plateau angle in dogs/ 미리보기
Abel, S. B American Veterinary Medical Association 2003
19908 저널기사 Use of the Radial Artery for Hemodialysis Access/ 미리보기
Goldstein, L. J American Medical Association] 2003
19909 저널기사 Use of the Radial Artery Graft After Transradial Catheterization: Is It Suitable as a Bypass Conduit?/ 미리보기
Kamiya Little, Brown & Co., etc.] 2003
19910 저널기사 Use of the radial forearm free tissue flap to treat persistent stricture after esophagogastrectomy/ 미리보기
Deveney, Clifford W Louis F. LeJacq 2001
19911 저널기사 Use of the reciprocal basis in neutral meson mixing (12 pages)/ 미리보기
Silva, Joao P Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2000
19912 저널기사 Use of the relationship between blood lactate and running speed to determine the exercise intensity of horses 미리보기
Guhl, A The Association 1996
19913 저널기사 Use of the respiratory stimulant doxapram in southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) 미리보기
Woods, R The Association 1996
19914 저널기사 Use of the Retarded Solution-Reprecipitation Process to Attain a Higher Initial Permeability in MnZn Ferrites/ 미리보기
Drofenik, M American Ceramic Society 2003
19915 저널기사 Use of the Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction for the Detection of Pelargonium Flower Break Carmovirus 미리보기
Franck, A Parey 1980
19916 저널기사 Use of the Rigid Band Formalism to Interpret the Relationship between O Chemical 미리보기
Lankhorst, M. H. R American Physical Society 1980
19917 저널기사 Use of Thermostable and Escherichia coli RNase H in RNA Mapping Studies 미리보기
Porter, D Academic Press 1980
19918 저널기사 Use of the Round Window Microcatheter in the Treatment of Meniere's Disease/ 미리보기
Hoffer, Michael E Laryngoscope 2001
19919 저널기사 Use of the "Scotchcast boot" in treation diabetic foot ulcers. 미리보기
BURDEN A.C British Medical Association 1983
19920 저널기사 Use of the SHE hydrological modelling system to investigate basin response to snowmelt at Reynolds Creek, Idaho 미리보기
Bathurst, J. C Elsevier, etc 1980
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