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19921 저널기사 Use of the single cell gel electrophoresis assay (Comet assay) as a technique for monitoring low-temperature treated and irradiated muscle tissues/ 미리보기
Park, Jong-Heum Published for the Insstitute of Food Science and Technology (U.K.) by Blackwell Scientific Publicati 2000
19922 저널기사 Use of the singular value decomposition method to detect ill-conditioning of structural identification problems 미리보기
Hasan, W. M Pergamon Press 1997
19923 저널기사 Use of the Skin-Sparing Reduction Pattern for Immediate Breast Reconstruction/ 미리보기
Allan, D Williams & Wilkins 2003
19924 저널기사 Use of the slant stack for geologic or geophysical map lineament analysis 미리보기
Pawlowski, R. S Society of Exploration Geophysicists 1980
19925 저널기사 Use of the Solubility Domain Approach for the Modeling of the Hydroxide Precipitation of Heavy Metals from Wastewater 미리보기
Baltpurvins, K. A American Chemical Society 1980
19926 저널기사 Use of the SpaceMaker Balloon in Sternal Wound Closure: Comparison with Other Techniques/ 미리보기
Hauben, Daniel J Williams & Wilkins 2001
19927 저널기사 Use of the Staged Development Tool for Assessing, Planning, and Measuring Progress in the Development of National Public Health Institutes 미리보기
Ezra J. Barzilay [et al.] Mary Ann Liebert 2018
19928 저널기사 Use of the Staged Development Tool for Assessing, Planning, and Measuring Progress in the Development of National Public Health Institutes 미리보기
Ezra J. Barzilay [et al.] Mary Ann Liebert 2018
19929 저널기사 Use of the Standard Nomenclature 미리보기
American Medical Association 1955
19930 저널기사 Use of the "supercharge" technique in esophageal and pharyngeal reconstruction to augment microvascular blood flow/ 미리보기
Sekido, M C. V. Mosby Co 2003
19931 저널기사 Use of the Systems Approach to Training Design and Delivery in Japanese Corporations 미리보기
Keller, J. M Learning Systems Institute, Florida State University in cooperation with the National Society for Performance & Instruction 1996
19932 저널기사 Use of the tangent Formula to Resolve the Phase Ambiguity in the neutron Anomalous Dispersion Method/ 미리보기
SIKKA, S. K Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1973
19933 저널기사 Use of the tensile strength of water for the direct measurement of high soil suction 미리보기
Guan, Y National Research Council Canada 1980
19934 저널기사 Use of the Thiol-specific Derivatizing Agent N-Iodoacetyl-3-[^1^2^5I]iodotyrosine to Demonstrate Conformational Differences between the Unbound and hsp90-bound Glucocorticoid Receptor Hormone Binding Domain 미리보기
Stancato, L. F American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
19935 저널기사 Use of the thiomethyl group for activation in the synthesis of 8-hydroxy-1-(spiro-1'-indan)benzazepines 미리보기
Ehrlich, P. P Pergamon Press 1980
19936 저널기사 Use of the Trophic Diatom Index to Monitor Eutrophication in Rivers 미리보기
Kelly, M. G Pergamon Press 1980
19937 저널기사 Use of the two-hybrid system to identify protein-protein interaction temperature-sensitive mutants: application to the CDK2/p21Cip1 interaction 미리보기
Cayrol, C Information Retrieval Limited 1980
19938 저널기사 Use of the UNCRC in Family Law Cases in England and Wales 미리보기
Gilmore, Stephen M. Nijhoff Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers 2017
19939 단행본 Use of the UNIDROIT principles to interpret and supplement domestic contract law 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Alejandro Garro, José Antonio Moreno Rodríguez Springer 2021
19940 저널기사 Use of the Universal Decimal Classification: A world-wide survey 미리보기
Slavic, A. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2008
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