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1 연속간행물 Vaccine 미리보기
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Butterworths 1983-
2 단행본 Valuation and dealmaking of technology-based intellectual property:principes, methods, and tools 미리보기
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Richard Razgaitis Wiley ; John Wiley [distributor] 2009
3 단행본 Valuation and pricing of technology-based intellectual property 미리보기
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Richard Razgaitis Wiley 2003 URL
4 단행본 Valuation of intellectual property and intangible assets 미리보기
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Gordan V. Smith, Russell L. Parr J. Wiley & Sons 2000
5 단행본 Value added tax:a comparative approach 미리보기
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Alan Schenk, Oliver Oldman Cambridge University Press 2007 URL
6 단행본 A value-driven European future 미리보기
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Léonce Bekemans (ed.) P.I.E. Peter Lang 2012
7 단행본 Values in global administrative law 미리보기
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edited by Gordon Anthony ... [et al.] Hart 2011
8 연속간행물 Vanderbilt law review 미리보기
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Vanderbilt University School of Law Vanderbilt University School of Law 1947- URL
9 단행본 The vanishing American lawyer 미리보기
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Thomas D. Morgan Oxford University Press 2010
10 단행본 Varieties of political theory 미리보기
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edited by David Easton Prentice-Hall 1966
11 연속간행물 Vascular neurology 미리보기
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Korean Society of Vascular Neurology Korean Society of Vascular Neurology 2009-
12 연속간행물 Vascular specialist international 미리보기
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대한혈관외과학회 Korean Society for Vascular Surgery 2014- URL
13 연속간행물 Vegetatio 미리보기
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International Society for Vegetation Science International Society for Plant Geography and Ecology International Society of Vegetation Science W. Junk 1948-1997
14 연속간행물 The Veliger 미리보기
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California Malacozoological Society Northern California Malacozoological Club California Malacozoological Society 1958-
15 단행본 Vengeance is mine:justice Albanian style 미리보기
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Fatos Tarifa Globic Press 2008
16 단행본 Venture capital contracting and the valuation of high-technology firms 미리보기
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edited by Joseph A. McCahery, Luc Renneboog Oxford University Press 2003
17 단행본 Vergaberecht und Umweltschutz:die Berucksichtigung von Umweltaspekten im Rahmen der offentlichen Auftragsvergabe 미리보기
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Tatjana Schneider Nomos 2001
18 단행본 Verhaltenssteuerung durch Ordnungsrecht:das Vollzugsdefizit als Verfassungsproblem 미리보기
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Thomas Baehr Nomos 2005
19 단행본 Vertical agreements in EC competition law 미리보기
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Frank Wijckmans, Filip Tuytschaever, Alain Vanderelst Oxford University Press 2006
20 단행본 Vertical marketing systems 미리보기
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Edited by Louis P. Bucklin Scott Foresman 1970
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