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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 A Value Chain Analysis of Vegetables: A Case Study of Palpa District, Nepal 미리보기
O. P. Singh;P. K. Singh;H. P. Singh;Rakesh Singh;Khim Raj Regmi New Delhi Publishers 2013
2 저널기사 A Value Index Considering Attractive Quality and Must-be Quality 미리보기
Nakajo, T. Nihon Hinshitsu Kanri Gakkai 2013
3 저널기사 A Value Play: Chapter 11 Mergers and Acquisitions 미리보기
CONAWAY, DAVID The Association 2013
4 저널기사 A variable-selection-based multivariate EWMA chart for process monitoring and diagnosis 미리보기
Jiang, W.; Wang, K.; Tsung, F. Executive Sciences Institute 2013
5 저널기사 A Variational Inequality Reformulation of a Congested Transit Assignment Model by Cominetti, Correa, Cepeda, and Florian 미리보기
Codina, E. Transportation Science & Logistics Society of INFORMS. 2013
6 저널기사 A vehicle routing problem with multi-trips and time windows for circular items 미리보기
Martinez, L.; Amaya, C. A. Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society 2013
7 저널기사 A Very Strange Scandal 미리보기
Gandel, Stephen Time, inc., etc.] 2013
8 저널기사 A Visual Geography of Chernobyl: Double Exposure 미리보기
Davies, T. Study Group on International Labor and Working Class History 2013
9 저널기사 A Voice from the North Korean Gulag 미리보기
Gershman, C. National Endowment for Democracy 2013
10 저널기사 A votre sante! 미리보기
unknown Alternatives economiques 2013
11 저널기사 The Vacuous Concept of Shareholder Voting Rights 미리보기
Attenborough, D. T.M.C. Asser Press 2013
12 저널기사 The Vagaries of Vagueness: Rethinking the CFAA as a Problem of Private Nondelegation 미리보기
unknown Harvard Law Review Pub. Association 2013
Mangalindan, JP Time, inc., etc.] 2013
14 저널기사 The valuables index: Fruits of passion 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2013
15 저널기사 The Value-Added Content of International Trade: New Data, New Perspectives 미리보기
Rahel Aichele ; Gabriel Felbermayr ; Inga Heiland Ifo-Institut fu@r Wirtschaftsforschung 2013
16 저널기사 The Value and Use of the IRA Recharacterization Option 미리보기
Stowe, D.L.; Fodor, A.; Stowe, J.D. C F A Institute 2013
17 저널기사 The Value and Use of the IRA Recharacterization Option 미리보기
Stowe, David L.; Fodor, Andy; Stowe, John D. C F A Institute 2013
18 저널기사 The value co-creation process as a determinant of customer satisfaction 미리보기
Vega-Vazquez, M.; Revilla-Camacho, M.A.; Cossio-Silva, F.J. EMERALD 2013
19 저널기사 The value effect of operational hedging: Evidence from foreign takeovers. 미리보기
AKTAS ; Nihat; COUSIN ; Jean-Gabriel; Jun Yao (Chris) ZHANG. Presses Universitaires de France. 2013
20 저널기사 The value of a statistical life in Chile 미리보기
Parada-Contzen, M.; Riquelme-Won, A. s.; Vasquez-Lavin, F. Physica-Verlag 2013
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
