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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 A Value-Focused Approach to Energy Transformation in the United States Department of Defense 미리보기
Jay Simon ; Eva Regnier ; Laura Whitney Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences 2014
2 저널기사 A variable neighbourhood descent algorithm for the open-pit mine production scheduling problem with metal uncertainty 미리보기
Lamghari, Amina; Dimitrakopoulos, Roussos; Ferland, Jacques A Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society 2014
3 저널기사 A variable neighbourhood search for hybrid flow-shop scheduling problem with rework and set-up times 미리보기
Eskandari, Hamidreza; Hosseinzadeh, Amirhamed Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society 2014
4 저널기사 A variant of the parallel model for sample surveys with sensitive characteristics 미리보기
Liu, Y.; Tian, G.-L. Executive Sciences Institute 2014
5 저널기사 A Varying-Coefficient Expectile Model for Estimating Value at Risk 미리보기
Xie, S.; Zhou, Y.; Wan, A.T.K. American Statistical Association 2014
6 저널기사 A Visionary Tech Founder Returns 미리보기
Lev-ram, Michal Time, inc., etc.] 2014
7 저널기사 A Vision for Ukraine in the World Economy 미리보기
Hoekman, B.; Jensen, J.; Tarr, D. Werner Pub 2014
8 저널기사 A VISIT TO SAO PAULO, BRAZIL: The city may not be ready for the World Cup, but locals on the ad scene are prepared 미리보기
Wentz, Laurel Crain Communications 2014
9 저널기사 A VNS algorithm for a disassembly cell formation problem with demand variability 미리보기
Mar-Ortiz, J.; Gonzalez-Velarde, J.L.; Adenso-Diaz, B. Inderscience 2014
10 저널기사 The validity of the monocentric city model in a polycentric age: US metropolitan areas in 1990, 2000 and 2010 미리보기
Arribas-Bel, Daniel; Sanz-Gracia, Fernando V.H. Winston 2014
11 저널기사 The Validity of United States v. Nazemian Following Crawford and Its Progeny: Do Criminal Defendants Have the Right to Face Their Interpreters at Trial? 미리보기
Kracum, J. Williams & Wilkins 2014
12 저널기사 The Valuation of Market-Leveraged Stock Units 미리보기
Hull, J.; White, A. Institutional Investor, Inc 2014
13 저널기사 The Value and Ownership of Intangible Capital 미리보기
Eisfeldt, A.L.; Papanikolaou, D. American Economic Association 2014
14 저널기사 The Value of Earned Audiences-How Social Interactions Amplify TV Impact: What Programmers and Advertisers Can Gain from Earned Social Impressions 미리보기
Nagy, J.; Midha, A. World Advertising Research Center Ltd 2014
15 저널기사 The Value of Information in Some Variations of the Stopping Problem 미리보기
Debarun Bhattacharjya ; Léa A. Deleris Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences 2014
16 저널기사 The Value of Operational Flexibility in the Presence of Input and Output Price Uncertainties with Oil Refining Applications 미리보기
Dong, L.; Kouvelis, P.; Wu, X. Institute of Management Sciences] 2014
Wickenhofer G ; Radakovich A Institute of Internal Auditors 2014
18 저널기사 The Value of Small Time Savings for Non-business Travel 미리보기
Daly, A.; Tsang, F.; Rohr, C. University of Bath 2014
19 저널기사 The Value We Provide Our Organizations, Part 2 미리보기
Lerner, M. American Hospital Radiology Administrators 2014
20 저널기사 The VA scandal ``We are all dishonoured'' 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2014
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