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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 A view from the federal statistical system 미리보기
Abraham, Katharine G American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
2 저널기사 The value of economic research 미리보기
Zilberman, David American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
3 저널기사 The value of weather information in market equilibrium 미리보기
Babcock, Bruce A American Agricultural Economics Association 1990
4 저널기사 The von Liebig hypothesis 미리보기
Paris, Quirino American Agricultural Economics Association 1992
5 저널기사 Value elicitation in laboratory markets: Discussion and applicability to contingent valuation 미리보기
Swallow, Stephen K American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
6 저널기사 Valuing food safety in experimental auction markets 미리보기
Hayes, Dermot J American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
7 저널기사 Valuing social science research and policy analysis 미리보기
Timmer, C. Peter American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
8 저널기사 Valuing target price support programs with average option pricing 미리보기
Taehoon Kang American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
9 저널기사 Valuing the multidimensional impacts of environmental policy: Theory and methods 미리보기
Hoehn, John P American Agricultural Economics Association 1991
10 저널기사 Valuing trade-offs between net returns and stewardship practices: The case of soil conservation 미리보기
Van Kooten, G.C American Agricultural Economics Association 1990
11 저널기사 Vanclay, Frank, and Geoffrey Lawrence/The Environmental Imperative: Eco-Social Concerns for Australian Agriculture 미리보기
Leistritz, F. L American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
12 저널기사 Variations on invariance or some unpleasant nonparametric arithmetric 미리보기
Chalfant, James A American Agricultural Economics Association 1997
13 저널기사 Vertical coordination and structural change in the pork industry: Discussion 미리보기
Boehlje, Michael American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
14 저널기사 Vertical Coordination and Structural Change in the Pork Industry: Discussion 미리보기
Boehlje, M American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
15 저널기사 Vertical coordination, financial structure, and the changing theory of the firm 미리보기
Barry, Peter J American Agricultural Economics Association 1992
16 저널기사 Vertically coordinated agricultural firms: Discussion 미리보기
Belden, Sanford American Agricultural Economics Association 1992
17 저널기사 Vessel entry-exit behavior in the Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishery 미리보기
Ward, John M American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
