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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 A Value Agenda for Theoretical Psychology 미리보기
Meux, M. O American Psychological Association 1980
2 저널기사 The Value of Training in Psychology 미리보기
Garb, H. N American Psychological Association 1980
3 저널기사 The View From Here: Rejoinder to Temoshok 미리보기
Andersen, B. L American Psychological Association 1980
4 저널기사 The Visual Perception of Three-Dimensional Length 미리보기
Farley Norman, J American Psychological Association 1980
5 저널기사 Validity, Interrater Reliability, and Measures of Adaptive Behavior: Concerns Regarding the Probative Versus Prejudicial Value 미리보기
Salekin, Karen L.; Neal, Tess M. S.; Hedge, Krystal A. American Psychological Association 2018
6 저널기사 Validity of Personal Growth Initiative Scale Scores With a Mexican American College Student Population/ 미리보기
Robitschek, C American Psychological Association 2003
7 저널기사 Validity, Structure, and Content of the 1994 Strong Interest Inventory 미리보기
Donnay, D. A. C. Borgen, F. H. American Psychological Association 1996
8 저널기사 Value Transfer in a Simultaneous Discrimination Appears to Result From Within-Event Pavlovian Conditioning 미리보기
Zentall, T. R American Psychological Association 1996
9 저널기사 Variability in Automatic Activation as an Unobtrusive Measure of Racial Attitudes: A Bona Fide Pipeline? 미리보기
Fazio, R. H American Psychological Association 1980
10 저널기사 Variability of Practice and Implicit Motor Learning 미리보기
Wulf, G American Psychological Association 1980
11 저널기사 Variations in Collectivism and Individualism by Ingroup and Culture: Confirmatory Factor Analyses 미리보기
Rhee, E American Psychological Association 1980
12 저널기사 Variations in Patterns of Developmental Transitions in the Emerging Adulthood Period/ 미리보기
Cohen, P American Psychological Association 2003
13 저널기사 Verbal and Spatial Working Memory in School-Age Children: Developmental Differences in Susceptibility to Interference 미리보기
Hale, S American Psychological Association 1980
14 저널기사 Verbal Vulnerability of Perceptual Expertise 미리보기
Fallshore, M American Psychological Association 1980
15 저널기사 Vertical Orienting Control: Evidence for Attentional Bias and "Neglect" in the Intact Brain 미리보기
Drain, M American Psychological Association 1980
16 저널기사 Vested Interest and Symbolic Politics - Observations and Recommendations: Reply to Sears (1997) 미리보기
Crano, W. D American Psychological Association 1980
17 저널기사 Vested Interest, Symbolic Politics, and Attitude-Behavior Consistency 미리보기
Crano, W. D American Psychological Association 1980
18 저널기사 View Specificity in Object Processing: Evidence From Picture Matching 미리보기
Lawson, R American Psychological Association 1980
19 저널기사 Violent Crime Rate Studies in Philosophical Context: A Destructive Testing Approach to Heat and Southern Culture of Violence Effects 미리보기
Anderson, C. A American Psychological Association 1980
20 저널기사 Violent Offender Research and Implications for the Criminal Justice System 미리보기
Rice, M. E American Psychological Association 1980
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