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1 저널기사 A Voyage Round Economics: The New Palgrave Dictionaries of Economics, and Money and Finance 미리보기
Bailey, R. E. BLACKWELL 1994
2 저널기사 The valuation of market information from livestock selling complexes 미리보기
Crase, L. Blackwell 1999
3 저널기사 The Value Relevance of Oil and Gas Disclosures: An Assessment of the Market's Perception of Firms' Effort and Ability to Discover Reserves 미리보기
Berry, K. T. BLACKWELL 2001
4 저널기사 The Variation in Wage Rigidity by Occupation and Union Status in the US 미리보기
Campbell, C. M. BLACKWELL 1997
5 저널기사 Vacancy Durations: Search or Selection? 미리보기
Van Ours, J. C. BLACKWELL 1993
6 저널기사 Valuation and Cost of Capital Formulae with Corporate and Personal Taxes: A Synthesis Using the Dempsey Discounted Dividends Model 미리보기
Dempsey, M. BLACKWELL 2001
7 저널기사 Valuation Effects From Issuing Zero-Coupon Debt 미리보기
Akhigbe, A. BLACKWELL 1995
8 저널기사 Valuation of R&D real American sequential exchange options 미리보기
Lee, J.;Paxson, D. A. Blackwell 2001
9 저널기사 Valuation of venture capital investments: empirical evidence 미리보기
Seppa, T. J.;Laamanen, T. Blackwell 2001
10 저널기사 Value Orientations, Expectations and Voluntary Contributions in Public Goods 미리보기
Offerman, T. BLACKWELL 1996
11 저널기사 Value Relevance of Mandated Comprehensive Income Disclosures 미리보기
Cahan, S. F. BLACKWELL 2000
12 저널기사 Value Under Active and Passive Debt Management Policy 미리보기
Appleyard, T. BLACKWELL 1997
13 저널기사 Valuing Fixed-Income Options and Mortgage-Backed Securities with Alternative Term Structure Models 미리보기
Chen, R.-R. BLACKWELL 1999
14 저널기사 Valuing New Zealand recreational fishing and an assessment of the validity of the contingent valuation estimates/ 미리보기
Wheeler, Sarah Blackwell 2001
15 저널기사 Valuing Objects and Evaluating Policies in Imperfect Economies 미리보기
Dasgupta, P. BLACKWELL 2001
16 저널기사 Valuing remnant vegetation in Central Queensland using choice modelling/ 미리보기
Blamley, Russell Blackwell 2000
17 저널기사 Valuing the benefits and costs of improved food safety and nutrition 미리보기
Caswell, J. A. Blackwell 1998
18 저널기사 Van Bergeijk (Peter A. G.), Bovenberg (A. Lans) and Van Damme (Eric E. C.), (Eds). Economic Science and Practice: The Roles of Academic Economists and Policy-makers 미리보기
Solow, R. M. BLACKWELL 1999
19 저널기사 Vanberg (Viktor J.) Rules and Choice in Economics 미리보기
Hamlin, A. BLACKWELL 1995
20 저널기사 VAN BRABANT (JOZEF M.), (Ed). Remaking Europe: The European Union and the Transition Economies 미리보기
Sergi, B. BLACKWELL 2001
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