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1 저널기사 A valuation model for corporate social responsibility 미리보기
2 저널기사 The value for service industry firms of environmental initiatives 미리보기
Hume, S. R.; Gallagher, L. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2010
3 저널기사 The value of unused interregional transmission: Estimating the opportunity cost for Quebec (Canada) 미리보기
Pineau, P. O.; Lefebvre, V. EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD 2009
4 저널기사 The value relevance of accounting-based performance measures in emerging economies: The case of Egypt 미리보기
Ebaid, I. E. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2011
5 저널기사 Validation of an empirical model for innovation diffusion in Australian design firms 미리보기
Panuwatwanich, K.; Stewart, R. A.; Mohamed, S. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2009
6 저널기사 Validation of the moral competency inventory measurement instrument: Content, construct, convergent and discriminant approaches 미리보기
Martin, D. E.; Austin, B. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2010
7 저널기사 Validation of the technology acceptance measure for pre-service teachers (TAMPST) on a Malaysian sample: A cross-cultural study 미리보기
Teo, T. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2010
8 저널기사 Value-enhanced collaborative working: case study of a small management advisory firm 미리보기
Gohil, U.; Carrillo, P.; Ruikar, K.; Anumba, C. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2011
9 저널기사 Value generation in e-government from service-based IT integration 미리보기
Virili, F.; Sorrentino, M. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2009
10 저널기사 Value management awareness and practice by South African architects: an empirical study 미리보기
Bowen, P.; Jay, I.; Cattell, K.; Edwards, P. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2010
11 저널기사 Value of people's participation for good governance in developing countries 미리보기
Uzzaman, W. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2010
12 저널기사 Virtual simulations and serious games in a laptop-based university: Gauging faculty and student perceptions 미리보기
Kapralos, B.; Hogan, M.; Pribetic, A. I.; Dubrowski, A. EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD 2011
13 저널기사 Virtues, work experiences and psychological well-being among managerial women in a Turkish bank 미리보기
Fiksenbaum, L.; Koyuncu, M.; Burke, R. J. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2010
14 저널기사 Visibility and voice in organisations: Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered employee networks 미리보기
Colgan, F.; McKearney, A. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2012
15 저널기사 Visualizing greenhouse gas emissions from construction activities 미리보기
Hajibabai, L.; Aziz, Z.; Pena-Mora, F. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2011
16 저널기사 Vocational status and perceived well-being of workers with disabilities 미리보기
Konrad, A. M.; Moore, M. E.; Doherty, A. J.; Ng, E. S.; Breward, K. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2012
17 저널기사 Volatility transmission and asymmetric linkages between the stock and foreign exchange markets: A sectoral analysis 미리보기
Fu, T. Y.; Holmes, M. J.; Choi, D. F. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2011
18 저널기사 Volatility transmission: what do Asia-Pacific markets expect? 미리보기
Shamiri, A.; Isa, Z. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2010
