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1 저널기사 A Versatile Transcriptional Effector of Wingless Signaling 미리보기
Nusse, R MIT Press 1997
2 저널기사 The Vertical Organization of Industry: Systems Competition versus Component Competition 미리보기
Farrell, J. MIT PRESS 1998
3 저널기사 The Vesicle Docking Protein p115 Binds GM130, a cis-Golgi Matrix Protein, in a Mitotically Regulated Manner 미리보기
Nakamura, N MIT Press 1997
4 저널기사 Value-based Business Strategy 미리보기
Brandenburger, A. M. MIT PRESS 1996
5 저널기사 Valuing the Contributions of Nonstate and Subnational Actors to Climate Governance 미리보기
van der Ven, Hamish; Bernstein, Steven; Hoffmann, Matthew MIT Press 2017
6 저널기사 Vandenbergh, Michael P., and Jonathan M. Gilligan. 2017. Beyond Politics: The Private Governance Response to Climate Change. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press 미리보기
Kusumi, Noriko MIT Press 2019
7 저널기사 Vascular Dysmorphogenesis Caused by an Activating Mutation in the Receptor Tyrosine Kinase TIE2 미리보기
Vikkula, M MIT Press 1996
8 저널기사 Venture-Capital Syndication: Improved Venture Selection vs. the Value-Added Hypothesis 미리보기
Brander, J. A.; Amit, R.; Antweiler, W. MIT PRESS 2002
9 저널기사 Vertebrate Embryonic Cells Will Become Nerve Cells Unless Told Otherwise 미리보기
Hemmati-Brivanlou, A MIT Press 1997
10 저널기사 Vertical Disintegration 미리보기
Chen, Y. MIT PRESS 2005
11 저널기사 Vertical Foreclosure, Technological Choice, and Entry on the Intermediate Market 미리보기
Avenel, E. MIT PRESS 2000
12 저널기사 Vertical Integration and Proprietary Information Transfers 미리보기
Hughes, J. S. MIT PRESS 2001
13 저널기사 Vertical Integration, Foreclosure, and Profits in the Presence of Double Marginalization 미리보기
Gaudet, G. MIT PRESS 1996
14 저널기사 Vertical Networks and US Auto Parts Exports: Is Japan Different? 미리보기
Head, K.; Ries, J.; Spencer, B. J. MIT PRESS 2004
15 저널기사 Vesicle Biogenesis: The Coat Connection 미리보기
Mallabiabarrena, A MIT Press 1995
16 저널기사 Viral Proteases: Evolution of Diverse Motifs to Optimize Function 미리보기
Babe, L. M MIT Press 1997
17 저널기사 Viral RNA as a Potential Target for Two Independent Mechanisms of Replicase-Mediated Resistance against Cucumber Mosaic Virus 미리보기
Hellwald, K.-H MIT Press 1995
18 저널기사 Virus Induction of Human IFN�Gene Expression Requires the Assembly of an Enhanceosome 미리보기
Thanos, D MIT Press 1995
19 저널기사 Visualization of ER-to-Golgi Transport in Living Cells Reveals a Sequential Mode of Action for COPII and COPI 미리보기
Scales, S. J MIT Press 1997
20 저널기사 Visualizing an Olfactory Sensory Map 미리보기
Mombaerts, P MIT Press 1996
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