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A varve-based calibration of the Bridge River tephra fall
Leonard, E. M
National Research Council Canada
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The variability of root cohesion as an influence on shallow landslide susceptibility in the Oregon Coast Range/
Schmidt, K M
National Research Council Canada
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The velocity structure of the Britt Domain, southwestern Grenville Province, from laboratory and refraction experiments
Long, C
National Research Council Canada
4 |
The von Bertalanffy growth function, bioenergetics, and the consumption rates of fish/
Essington, Timothy E
National Research Council Canada
5 |
Validation of three back-calculation models by using multiple oxytetracycline marks formed in the otoliths and scales of bluegill x green sunfish hybrids/
Klumb, Robert A
National Research Council Canada
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Variability and capture efficiency of bongo and Tucker trawl samplers inthe collection of ichthyoplankton and other macrozooplankton
Pepin, P
National Research Council Canada
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Variability in survival of larval fish: disentangling components with a generalized individual-based model
Letcher, B. H
National Research Council Canada
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Variation in adult life history and morphology among Lake Washington sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) populations in relation to habitat features and ancestral affinities
Hendry, A. P
National Research Council Canada
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Variation in annual egg production in individual captive Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
Kjesbu, O. S
National Research Council Canada
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Variation in Mitochondrial DNA and AIIozymes Discriminates Early and Late Forms of Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Kenai and Kasilof Rivers, Alaska
Adams, N. S
National Research Council Canada
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Variation in the time of spawning of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and its relationship to temperature in the Aberdeenshire Dee, Scotland
Webb, J. H
National Research Council Canada
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Variations in the contribution of transport to changes in planktonic animal abundance: a study of the flux of fish larvae in Conception Bay, Newfoundland
Pepin, P
National Research Council Canada
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Variations in the isotope composition of mercury in a freshwater sediment sequence and food web/
Jackson, Togwell A
National Research Council Canada
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Viability and Freshwater Performance of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) x Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) Triploid Hybrids
Galbreath, P. F
National Research Council Canada
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Viscous behaviour of soil under oedometric conditions
Niemunis, A
National Research Council Canada
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Viscous behaviour of soil under oedometric conditions: Discussion
Mesri, G
National Research Council Canada
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Viscous behaviour of soil under oedometric conditions: Reply
Niemunis, A
National Research Council Canada
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Visualizing catch-age analysis: a case study
Richards, L. J
National Research Council Canada
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Vitamin A stores, teratogenesis, and EROD activity in white sucker, Catostomus commersoni, from Riviere des Prairies near Montreal and a reference site
Branchaud, A
National Research Council Canada
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Volume changes in undrained triaxial tests on sands
Garga, V. K
National Research Council Canada