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1 저널기사 A varve-based calibration of the Bridge River tephra fall 미리보기
Leonard, E. M National Research Council Canada 1980
2 저널기사 The variability of root cohesion as an influence on shallow landslide susceptibility in the Oregon Coast Range/ 미리보기
Schmidt, K M National Research Council Canada 2001
3 저널기사 The velocity structure of the Britt Domain, southwestern Grenville Province, from laboratory and refraction experiments 미리보기
Long, C National Research Council Canada 1980
4 저널기사 The von Bertalanffy growth function, bioenergetics, and the consumption rates of fish/ 미리보기
Essington, Timothy E National Research Council Canada 2001
5 저널기사 Validation of three back-calculation models by using multiple oxytetracycline marks formed in the otoliths and scales of bluegill x green sunfish hybrids/ 미리보기
Klumb, Robert A National Research Council Canada 2001
6 저널기사 Variability and capture efficiency of bongo and Tucker trawl samplers inthe collection of ichthyoplankton and other macrozooplankton 미리보기
Pepin, P National Research Council Canada 1980
7 저널기사 Variability in survival of larval fish: disentangling components with a generalized individual-based model 미리보기
Letcher, B. H National Research Council Canada 1980
8 저널기사 Variation in adult life history and morphology among Lake Washington sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) populations in relation to habitat features and ancestral affinities 미리보기
Hendry, A. P National Research Council Canada 1980
9 저널기사 Variation in annual egg production in individual captive Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) 미리보기
Kjesbu, O. S National Research Council Canada 1980
10 저널기사 Variation in Mitochondrial DNA and AIIozymes Discriminates Early and Late Forms of Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Kenai and Kasilof Rivers, Alaska 미리보기
Adams, N. S National Research Council Canada 1980
11 저널기사 Variation in the time of spawning of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and its relationship to temperature in the Aberdeenshire Dee, Scotland 미리보기
Webb, J. H National Research Council Canada 1980
12 저널기사 Variations in the contribution of transport to changes in planktonic animal abundance: a study of the flux of fish larvae in Conception Bay, Newfoundland 미리보기
Pepin, P National Research Council Canada 1980
13 저널기사 Variations in the isotope composition of mercury in a freshwater sediment sequence and food web/ 미리보기
Jackson, Togwell A National Research Council Canada 2001
14 저널기사 Viability and Freshwater Performance of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) x Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) Triploid Hybrids 미리보기
Galbreath, P. F National Research Council Canada 1980
15 저널기사 Viscous behaviour of soil under oedometric conditions 미리보기
Niemunis, A National Research Council Canada 1980
16 저널기사 Viscous behaviour of soil under oedometric conditions: Discussion 미리보기
Mesri, G National Research Council Canada 1980
17 저널기사 Viscous behaviour of soil under oedometric conditions: Reply 미리보기
Niemunis, A National Research Council Canada 1980
18 저널기사 Visualizing catch-age analysis: a case study 미리보기
Richards, L. J National Research Council Canada 1980
19 저널기사 Vitamin A stores, teratogenesis, and EROD activity in white sucker, Catostomus commersoni, from Riviere des Prairies near Montreal and a reference site 미리보기
Branchaud, A National Research Council Canada 1980
20 저널기사 Volume changes in undrained triaxial tests on sands 미리보기
Garga, V. K National Research Council Canada 1980
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