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1 저널기사 Validation of flow cytometry to quantify the potency of anti-D immunoglobulin preparations Flow cytometry was found to give accurate and precise results for anti-D potency estimates of immunoglobulin products/ 미리보기
Schaffner, G New York [etc.] 2003
2 저널기사 Validation of Prion Removal by Leucocyte-Depleting Filters: A Cautionary Tale/ 미리보기
Prowse, C V New York [etc.] 2001
3 저널기사 Validation of the NucliSens Extractor in combination with the hepatitis C virus Cobas Amplicor 2.0 assay in four laboratories in the Netherlands utilizing nucleic acid amplification technology for blood screening/ 미리보기
Cuijpers, H T M New York [etc.] 2001
4 저널기사 Validity of the haemoglobin colour scale in blood donor screening/ 미리보기
Lewis, S M New York [etc.] 2001
5 저널기사 Variable Leukocyte Composition of Red Blood Cell Concentrates Prepared in Top-Bottom Systems: Possible Implications for Pre-Transplant Blood Transfusion/ 미리보기
Weinreich, S S New York [etc.] 2000
6 저널기사 Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in Australian blood donors: estimation of risk and the impact of deferral strategies/ 미리보기
Correll, P K New York [etc.] 2001
7 저널기사 Variation in the reliability of RHD antenatal genotyping using the polymerase chain reaction and targeting multiple exons of the RHD gene/ 미리보기
Johnson, L New York [etc.] 2003
8 저널기사 von Willebrand factor-cleaving protease content of Cohn plasma fractions/ 미리보기
Aronson, D. L New York [etc.] 2003
9 연속간행물 Vox sanguinis 미리보기
의학도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
International Society of Blood Transfusion League of Red Cross Societies Nederlandse Stichting voor Bloedgroepenonderzoek New York [etc.]: S. Karger. 1953-
