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1 저널기사 A vision of international HRM research 미리보기
Farndale, Elaine; Raghuram, Sumita; Gully, Stan; Liu, Xiangmin; Phillips, Jean M.; Vidović, Maja Routledge 2017
2 저널기사 Value congruence and job-related attitudes in a nonprofit organization: a competing values approach 미리보기
Newton, Cameron J.; Mazur, Alicia K. Routledge 2016
3 저널기사 Value-ladenness in economics: a rejoinder to Davis 미리보기
Rosenbaum, E. E. ROUTLEDGE 1996
4 저널기사 Value-ladenness in economics: reply to Rosenbaum 미리보기
Davis, J. B. ROUTLEDGE 1996
5 저널기사 Values and Science: An Argument for Why They Cannot Be Separated 미리보기
Reeves, Josh Routledge 2016
6 저널기사 Variability in HRM implementation among line managers and its effect on performance: a 2-1-2 mediational multilevel approach 미리보기
Vermeeren, B. Routledge 2014
7 저널기사 Variations in corporate influence over HRM between the early and later stages in the life of foreign subsidiaries† 미리보기
Kynighou, Anastasia Routledge 2014
8 저널기사 Variations in corporate influence over HRM between the early and later stages in the life of foreign subsidiaries 미리보기
Kynighou, A. Routledge 2014
9 저널기사 Varieties of collaboration: the case of an Australian retail union 미리보기
Price, R.; Bailey, J.; Pyman, A. Routledge 2014
10 저널기사 Veiled Reality and Structural Realism 미리보기
Bracken, J.A. Routledge 2013
11 저널기사 Virtual special issue on regional inequality 미리보기
Doran, Justin; Jordan, Declan; Elhorst, Paul Routledge 2018
12 저널기사 Virtual special issue on urban development 미리보기
Jordan, Declan; Monastiriotis, Vassilis; Elhorst, Paul Routledge 2017
13 단행본 Visualizing law in the age of the digital baroque:arabesques and entanglements 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Richard K Sherwin Routledge 2011
14 저널기사 Vive les differences? Voice in French MNCs' overseas workplaces: a comparative study of voice in French, German and US subsidiaries in the UK 미리보기
Tuselmann, H.-J.; Allen, M.M.C.; McDonald, F. Routledge 2015
15 저널기사 Vive les différences? Voice in French MNCs' overseas workplaces: a comparative study of voice in French, German and US subsidiaries in the UK 미리보기
Tüselmann, Heinz-Josef; Allen, Matthew M.C.; McDonald, Frank Routledge 2015
16 저널기사 Voice in a supra-organisational and shared-power world: challenges for voice in cross-sector collaboration 미리보기
Daymond, Jarryd; Rooney, David Routledge 2018
17 저널기사 Voices unheard: employee voice in the new century 미리보기
Wilkinson, Adrian; Gollan, Paul J.; Kalfa, Senia; Xu, Ying Routledge 2018
18 저널기사 Voices unspoken? Understanding how gay employees co-construct a climate of voice/silence in organisations 미리보기
Felix, Bruno; Mello, Alciares; von Borell, Diana Routledge 2018
19 저널기사 Voicing experiences and perceptions of local managers: expatriation in the Arab Gulf 미리보기
Ariss, A.A. Routledge 2014
20 저널기사 Volker Wissemann, Johannes Reinke: Leben und Werk eines lutherischen Botanikers 미리보기
Loeffler, M. Routledge 2013
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