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1 저널기사 A Variance Decomposition for Stock Returns 미리보기
CAMPBELL J. Y. ;; unknown 1991
2 저널기사 A View About `Vision' 미리보기
Thornberry, N. unknown 1997
3 저널기사 A Virtual Cellular Manufacturing Approach to Batch Production 미리보기
Kannan, V. R. unknown 1996
4 저널기사 A Voyage Round Economics: The New Palgrave Dictionaries of Economics, and Money and Finance 미리보기
BAILEY, R. E.;; unknown 1994
5 저널기사 The Valuation of R&D Firms with R&D Limited Parrnerships 미리보기
TERRY SHEVLIN;; unknown 1991
6 저널기사 The Valuation of Reported Pension Measures for Firms Sponsoring Defind Benefit Plans 미리보기
LANE ALAN DALEY;; unknown 1984
7 저널기사 The value of financial freedom and ownership in opportunities of entrepreneurial harvest 미리보기
Neves, J. C. unknown 2005
8 저널기사 (The) Value of finding employment for white-collar Ex-offenders 미리보기
Soothill, Keith;Francis, Brian;Ackerley, Elizabeth unknown 1997
9 저널기사 The Value of Private Pre-Decision Information in a Principal-Agent Context 미리보기
10 저널기사 The Value of Safety : Results of a National Sample Survey 미리보기
M. W. Jones-Lee;M. Hammerton ;P.R. Philips unknown 1985
11 저널기사 The Value Of Self-Reported Costs In Repeated Investment Decisions 미리보기
Fellingham John C;Young Richard ; unknown 1990
12 저널기사 The Value of Tenant Benefits from UK Council Housing Subsidies 미리보기
J.Poggott;; unknown 1984
13 저널기사 The Value Relevance of Financial Statment Recognition vs. Disclosure : Evidence from SFAS No. 106 미리보기
14 저널기사 The vendors' perspective on the choice process of IP telephony 미리보기
Constantiou, I.D.; Papazafeiropoulou, A. unknown 2009
15 저널기사 The venture capital scenario in India 미리보기
Mohanan, S. unknown 2006
16 저널기사 The venture creation approach: integrating entrepreneurial education and incubation at the university 미리보기
Ollila, S.; Williams-Middleton, K. unknown 2011
17 저널기사 The Vices of Economists, The Virtues of the Bourgeoisie 미리보기
Frantz, R. unknown 2000
18 저널기사 The Virtues of Gradualism abd Legitimacy in the Transition to a Market Economy 미리보기
DEWATRIPONT, M. / ROLAND, G;; unknown 1992
19 저널기사 The volatility of the socially optimal level of investment 미리보기
Guest, R. S.; McDonald, I. M. unknown 2001
20 저널기사 The volunteer's folly and socio-economic man: some thoughts on altruism, rationality, and community - a new age socio-economic Model of Preference Formation 미리보기
Knox, T.M. unknown 1999
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