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181 저널기사 A Versatile Route to Substituted 1,4-Diazine-Fused [60]Fullerenes 미리보기
Torres-Garcia, G American Chemical Society [etc.] 1980
182 저널기사 A Versatile Solid Phase Synthesis of Lavendustin A and Certain Biologically Active Analogs 미리보기
Devraj, R American Chemical Society [etc.] 1980
183 저널기사 A Versatile Synthesis of 3-Substituted Indolines 미리보기
Zhang, D American Chemical Society [etc.] 1980
184 저널기사 A versatile synthesis of benzo[c]phenanthridine alkaloids 미리보기
Geen, G. R Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
185 저널기사 A versatile synthesis of (E)- and (Z)-1-halo-2-(alkoxymethyl)-1,3-butadienes and their condensation with aldehydes 미리보기
Wong, T Pergamon Press 1980
186 저널기사 A versatile synthesis of the lactoneo-series antigens - synthesis of sialyl dimer Lewis X and of dimer Lewis Y 미리보기
Hummel, G Pergamon Press 1980
187 저널기사 A versatile synthesis of tricyclic analogues of quinolone antibacterial agents: use of a novel Reformatsky reaction 미리보기
Michael, J. P Pergamon Press 1980
188 저널기사 A versatile synthetic dimerizer for the regulation of protein-protein interactions 미리보기
Amara, J. F National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
189 저널기사 A versatile synthetic route to dehydrobenzoannulenes via in situ generation of reactive alkynes/ 미리보기
Bell, Michael L Pergamon Press 2001
190 저널기사 A Versatile Transcriptional Effector of Wingless Signaling 미리보기
Nusse, R MIT Press 1997
191 저널기사 A Versatile, Transition-Metal Mediated Route to Blue-Light-Emitting Polymers with Chemically Tunable Luminescent Properties 미리보기
Mao, S. S. H American Chemical Society 1997
192 저널기사 A vertebrobasilar junction aneurysm associated with fenestration treated by intra-aneurysmal embolyzation/ 미리보기
Ezaki, Y Springer-Verlag 2003
193 저널기사 A Vertical Midline Scar Is a `High-Risk' Factor for Maximum Survival of the Rat TRAM Flap/ 미리보기
Sano, K Little, Brown] 2003
194 저널기사 A vertical social accounting matrix of the U.S. economy 미리보기
Barbosa-Filho, Nelson H. M.E. Sharpe, inc.] 2018
195 저널기사 A vertical stomach reconstruction after pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy/ 미리보기
Murakami, Hiroya Louis F. LeJacq 2001
196 저널기사 A very British affair: A profile of UK terminal operator, Associated British Ports 미리보기
197 저널기사 A very convenient dimethylamination of activated aromatic halides using N,N-dimethylformamide and ethanolamines 미리보기
Cho, Y. H Pergamon Press 1980
198 저널기사 A Very Deep Spectrum of the Diffuse Ionized Gas in NGC 891 미리보기
Rand, R. J Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
199 저널기사 A very effective new method to solve the population balance equation with particle-size growth 미리보기
Song, M Pergamon Press 1980
200 저널기사 A very efficient, copper-free palladium catalyst for the Sonogashira reaction with aryl halides/ 미리보기
Mery, D Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
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