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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
2061 저널기사 Vacuum-thermal fragmentation and ring cleavage of 1-(N-substituted-pyrrol-2-yl)-3-tosyltriazene tetraalkylammonium salts to 4-cyano-1-azabuta-1,3-dienes 미리보기
Nanni, D Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
2062 저널기사 Vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy for absolute density measurements of fluorine atoms in fluorocarbon plasmas 미리보기
Sasaki, K American Institute of Physics 1980
2063 저널기사 Vacuum ultraviolet argon excimer production by use of an ultrashort-pulse high-intensity laser (6 pages)/ 미리보기
Kaku, M Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2003
2064 저널기사 Vacuum ultraviolet excitation and emission properties of Pr3+ and Ce3+ in MSO4 (M=Ba, Sr, and Ca) and predicting quantum splitting by Pr3+ in oxides and fluorides (12 pages)/ 미리보기
Kolk, E van der Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
2065 저널기사 Vacuum ultraviolet excitation of Xe-Cl~2 van der Waals complexes and small clusters 미리보기
Jouvet, C. Talbot, F. Dedonder-Lardeux, C. Martrenchard-Barra, S. North Holland 1996
2066 저널기사 Vacuum ultraviolet oscillator strengths of iodine atoms in the (^2P~3~/~2) and (^2P~1~/~2) states 미리보기
Baklanov, A. V IOP Pub 1980
2067 저널기사 Vacuum ultraviolet photoionization and dissociative photoionization of W(CO)~6 미리보기
Qi, F American Institute of Physics 1980
2068 저널기사 Vacuum ultraviolet radiative properties of formed-ferrite discharge withprepulse initiation 미리보기
Tcheremiskin, V. I American Institute of Physics 1980
2069 저널기사 Vacuum ultraviolet reflectivity measurements of thin-film electroluminescent phosphors 미리보기
Lite, K American Institute of Physics 1980
Fedchak, J A Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 2000
2071 저널기사 Vacuum-ultraviolet resonant photoabsorption imaging of laser produced plasmas/ 미리보기
Hirsch, J S American Institute of Physics 2000
2072 저널기사 Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectra of Silver in a Borosilicate Glass 미리보기
Yata, K American Ceramic Society 1980
2073 저널기사 Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of H^- in a Heavy Ion Storage Ring: The Region near the H(n = 2) Threshold 미리보기
Balling, P American Physical Society 1980
2074 저널기사 Vacuum-ultraviolet spectroscopy of Xe: Hyperfine splittings, isotope shifts, and isotope-dependent ionization energies (6 pages)/ 미리보기
Brandi, F Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2001
2075 저널기사 Vacuum ultraviolet spectrum and quantum yield of the 193 nm photolysis of phosgene 미리보기
Jaeger, M. Heydtmann, H. Zetzsch, C. North Holland 1996
2076 저널기사 Vacuum-UV fluorescence spectroscopy of SiF~4 in the range 10-30 eV 미리보기
Biehl, H American Institute of Physics 1980
2077 저널기사 Vacuum-UV influenced design of polymers and dissolution inhibitors for next generation photolithography/ 미리보기
Trinque, B. C Elsevier] 2003
2078 저널기사 VADAR: a web server for quantitative evaluation of protein structure quality/ 미리보기
Willard, L Information Retrieval Limited 1900
2079 저널기사 Vadian Enters Into Non-Prosecution Agreement With DOJ 미리보기
unknown Tax Analysts 2015
2080 저널기사 Vadim Volkov Violent Entrepreneurs: The Use of Force in the Making of Russian Capitalism/ 미리보기
Galary, A American Sociological Association 2003
맨앞 이전 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 다음 맨뒤
