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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
2101 저널기사 Vaginal clindamycin in preventing preterm birth and peripartal infections in asymptomatic women with bacterial vaginosis: a randomized, controlled trial/ 미리보기
Kekki, M American college of Ob and Gy 2001
2102 저널기사 Vaginal cytokines in normal pregnancy/ 미리보기
Donders, G. G C.V. Mosby Co 1900
2103 저널기사 Vaginal delivery after caesarean section/ 미리보기
Daviss, B-A The Association 2001
2104 저널기사 Vaginal delivery parameters and urinary incontinence: The Norwegian EPINCONT study/ 미리보기
Rortveit, G C.V. Mosby Co 1900
2105 저널기사 Vaginal Douching and Adverse Health Effects: A Meta-Analysis 미리보기
Zhang, J American Public Health Association 1980
2106 저널기사 Vaginal Douching and Reduced Fertility 미리보기
Baird, D. D American Public Health Association 1980
2107 저널기사 Vaginal Douching: Evidence for Risks or Benefits to Women's Health/ 미리보기
Martino, J. L Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health 1900
2108 저널기사 Vaginal electrical stimulation of the pelvic floor: A randomized feasibility study in urinary incontinent elderly women/ 미리보기
Spruijt, J Munksgaard [etc.] 2003
2109 저널기사 Vaginal evisceration long after vaginal hysterectomy/ 미리보기
Feiner, B American college of Ob and Gy 2003
2110 저널기사 Vaginal fetal fibronectin as a predictor of spontaneous preterm delivery in the patient with cervical cerclage/ 미리보기
Roman, A. S C.V. Mosby Co 1900
2111 저널기사 Vaginal fetal fibronectin levels and spontaneous preterm birth in symptomatic women/ 미리보기
Lu, George C American college of Ob and Gy 2001
2112 저널기사 Vaginal Granulation Tissue Secondary to Bone Anchors: Experience in Two Patients 미리보기
Stember, D. S American Urological Association Inc 2003
2113 저널기사 Vaginal Health and Infections/ 미리보기
Andrist, Linda C 2001
2114 저널기사 Vaginal hyperpigmentation due to ochronosis/ 미리보기
Gatcliffe, T. A American college of Ob and Gy 2003
2115 저널기사 Vaginal hysterectomy as primary treatment of endometrial cancer in medically compromised women/ 미리보기
Chan, John K American college of Ob and Gy 2001
2116 저널기사 Vaginal hysterectomy for enlarged uteri, with or without laparoscopic assistance: randomized study/ 미리보기
Dara�, Emile American college of Ob and Gy 2001
2117 저널기사 Vaginal immunization of Cynomolgus monkeys with Streptococcus gordonii expressing HIV-1 and HPV 16 antigens 미리보기
Di Fabio, S Butterworths 1998
2118 저널기사 Vaginal indicators of amniotic fluid infection in preterm labor/ 미리보기
Hitti, Jane American college of Ob and Gy 2001
2119 저널기사 Vaginal manipluation and anaerobic breast abscesses 미리보기
LEACH, R.D British Medical Association 1981
2120 저널기사 Vaginal mesh erosion 7 years after a sacral colpopexy/ 미리보기
Deval, B Munksgaard [etc.] 1900
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