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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
2121 저널기사 Vaginal microbiological flora, and behavioural and clinical findings in women with vulvar pain/ 미리보기
Tchoudomirova, Krasimira British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2001
2122 저널기사 Vaginal misoprostol for cervical priming before operative hysteroscopy: a randomized controlled trial/ 미리보기
Preutthipan, Sangchai American college of Ob and Gy 2000
2123 저널기사 Vaginal misoprostol for cervical priming before operative hysteroscopy: A randomized controlled trial/ 미리보기
Scott, Peter American college of Ob and Gy 2001
2124 저널기사 Vaginal papillary carcinomas with transitional cell differentiation: a morphological variant of squamous cell carcinoma?/ 미리보기
Tard�, J C Blackwell Scientific Publications 2001
2125 저널기사 Vaginal pedicled flap for closure of vesicovaginal fistula/ 미리보기
Hurley, Liam J Excerpta Medica, etc.] 2000
2126 저널기사 Vaginal Reconstruction Using a Modified Rectus Abdominis Musculocutaneous Flap in Pelvic Cancer Surgery/ 미리보기
Ruiz-de-Erenchun, R Little, Brown] 2003
2127 저널기사 Vaginal route as the norm when planning hysterectomy for benign conditions: change in practice/ 미리보기
Varma, Rajiv American college of Ob and Gy 2001
2128 저널기사 Vaginal Self-Swab Specimen Collection in a Home-Based Survey of Older Women: Methods and Applications 미리보기
Lindau, S.T.; Hoffmann, J.N.; Lundeen, K.; Jaszczak, A.; McClintock, M.K.; Jordan, J.A. Gerontological Society of America 2009
2129 저널기사 Vaginal sildenafil (Viagra) improves endometrium in Asherman's syndrome (AS)./ 미리보기
Zinger, M American Fertility Society [etc.] 2001
2130 저널기사 Vaginal versus cesarean delivery for breech presentation in California: a population-based study/ 미리보기
Gilbert, W. M American college of Ob and Gy 2003
2131 저널기사 Vaginal versus intramuscular progesterone for luteal phase support in assisted reproductive technology: A systematic review with meta-analysis/ 미리보기
Olivier, F. L American Fertility Society [etc.] 2003
2132 저널기사 Vaginal versus intramuscular progesterone in oocyte donation replacement therapy 미리보기
Caligara, C American Fertility Society [etc.] 2003
2133 저널기사 Vaginal versus oral E2 administration: effects on endometrial thickness, uterine perfusion, and contractility/ 미리보기
Fanchin, Renato American Fertility Society [etc.] 2001
2134 저널기사 Vaginectomy with pelvic herniorrhaphy for prolapse/ 미리보기
Hoffman, M. S C.V. Mosby Co 1900
2135 저널기사 Vaginismus: etiology and management/ 미리보기
Katz, Ditza American college of Ob and Gy 2001
2136 저널기사 Vaginitis revisited 미리보기
British Medical Association 1981
2137 저널기사 Vaginoplasty with Interceed absorbable adhesion barrier for complete squamous epithelialization in vaginal agenesis/ 미리보기
Motoyama, S C.V. Mosby Co 1900
2138 저널기사 Vaginoplasty with split skin grafts from the scalp: Optimization of the surgical treatment for vaginal agenesis/ 미리보기
Hockel, M C.V. Mosby Co 1900
Walters, W American Medical Association 1953
2140 저널기사 V. A. Graicunas and Span of Control 미리보기
Urwick, Lt. Col. L. F. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1974
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