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2161 저널기사 Valence and Rydberg states of protonated formaldehyde 미리보기
Antol, I North Holland 2003
2162 저널기사 VALENCE: a program for calculating bond valences 미리보기
Brown, I. D Munksgaard International Booksellers and Publishers 1980
2163 저널기사 Valence as Macro-Competence: An Analysis of Mood in Party Competence Evaluations in Great Britain 미리보기
Green, J.; Jennings, W. Cambridge University Press 2012
2164 저널기사 Valence-band discontinuities of wurtzite GaN, AlN, and InN heterojunctions measured by x-ray photoemission spectroscopy 미리보기
Martin, G American Institute of Physics 1980
2165 저널기사 Valence band discontinuity at a cubic GaN/GaAs heterojunction measured by synchrotron-radiation photoemission spectroscopy 미리보기
Ding, S. A American Institute of Physics 1980
2166 저널기사 Valence-Band Dispersion in Angle-Resolved Resonant Photoemission from LaSb 미리보기
Olson, C. G American Physical Society 1980
2167 저널기사 Valence-band mixing effects on exciton dipole terahertz emission from asymmetric triple quantum wells 미리보기
Hernandez-Cabrera, A American Institute of Physics 1980
2168 저널기사 Valence band offset and hole injection at the 4H-, 6H-SiC/SiO2 interfaces/ 미리보기
Afanas'ev, V V American Institute of Physics 2000
2169 저널기사 Valence-band offset at the Si/GaP (110) interface 미리보기
Lazzouni, M. E American Institute of Physics 1980
2170 저널기사 Valence-band photoemission from GaAs(100)-c (4X4) (6 pages)/ 미리보기
Strasser, T 2001
2171 저널기사 Valence band spectra of nitrogen incorporated amorphous carbon films/ 미리보기
Bhattacharyya, Somnath American Institute of Physics 2001
2172 저널기사 Valence band splittings and band offsets of AlN, GaN, and InN 미리보기
Wei, S.-H American Institute of Physics 1980
2173 저널기사 Valence-band structure of undoped and p-doped cubic GaN/InGaN multiple quantum wells/ 미리보기
Rodrigues, S C P North-Holland 2001
2174 저널기사 Valence band studies of the RTX (R=Pr,Nd; T=Cu,Ag,Au; X=Ge,Sn) compounds/ 미리보기
Szytula, A 2000
2175 저널기사 Valence-band x-ray photoelectron spectroscopic studies of different forms of sodium phosphate/ 미리보기
Asunskis, A. L Published for the Society by the American Institute of Physics 2003
2176 저널기사 Valence-band x-ray photoelectron spectroscopic studies of vanadium phosphates and the formation of oxide-free phosphate films on metallic vanadium/ 미리보기
Asunskis, D. J Published for the Society by the American Institute of Physics 2003
2177 저널기사 Valence bond and molecular orbital studies of the A-F bond lengths in some AFn type molecules and their fluorinated cations/ 미리보기
Harcourt, R. D Elsevier] 2003
2178 저널기사 Valence bond energy curves for He^2~2^+ 미리보기
Hoz, S. Basch, H. Aped, P. North Holland 1996
2179 저널기사 Valence-Bond Spin-Liquid State in Two-Dimensional Frustrated Spin-1/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnets/ 미리보기
Zhang, G.-M American Physical Society 2003
2180 저널기사 Valence compensated perovskite oxide system Ca1-xLaxTi1-xCrxO3 Part II Electrical transport behavior/ 미리보기
Chapman and Hall 2001
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