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2241 저널기사 Valeurs vénales des terres agricoles et des vignes en 2016 미리보기
Lextenso 2017
2242 저널기사 Vale Wins Partial Victory in Foreign Taxation Dispute 미리보기
unknown Tax Analysts 2014
2243 저널기사 Valgkamp i intimsonen 미리보기
Universitetsforlaget 2021
2244 저널기사 Valgkamp om velferdsstaden 미리보기
Hoff, Kristin Taraldsrud Universitetsforlaget 2012
2245 저널기사 Valgomat for byråkrat 미리보기
Viken, Guri Idsø; Sæterbakk, Inger Johanne Universitetsforlaget 2015
2246 저널기사 Valgus Knee Motion during Landing in High School Female and Male Basketball Players/ 미리보기
Ford, K. R American College of Sports Medicine] 2003
2247 저널기사 Validated High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Electrochemical Method for Determination of Glutathione and Glutathione Disulfide in Small Tissue Samples 미리보기
Lakritz, J Academic Press 1980
2248 저널기사 Validated zinc finger protein designs for all 16 GNN DNA triplet targets 미리보기
Liu, Q.; Xia, Z.; Case, C. C. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
2249 저널기사 Validating acculturation models: the case of the Australian-Chinese consumers 미리보기
Quester, P. G. Grayson Associates 2001
2250 저널기사 Validating a Credit Score in Conjunction with Additional Underwriting Criteria 미리보기
Kearns, D. Risk Management Association 2012
2251 저널기사 Validating actijpnn and sjpncial alignment cjpnnstituents jpnf cjpnllabjpnratijpnn in business relatijpnnships: A sales perspective 미리보기
Nils M. HøgeVOLd;Gøran Svenssjpnn;Carmen jpnterjpn-Neira Emerald Group Publishing Limited
2252 저널기사 Validating action and social alignment constituents of collaboration in business relationships: A sales perspective 미리보기
Nils M. Høgevold;Gøran Svensson;Carmen Otero-Neira Emerald Group Publishing Limited
2253 저널기사 Validating a DEA-based menu analysis model using structural equation modeling 미리보기
Reynolds, D.; Taylor, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
2254 저널기사 Validating a Detailed, Dynamic CGE Model of the USA 미리보기
DIXON, P. B.; RIMMER, M. T. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2010
2255 저널기사 Validating agent-based marketing models through conjoint analysis 미리보기
Garcia, R.; Rummel, P.; Hauser, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
2256 저널기사 Validating allometric estimates of aboveground living biomass and nutrient contents of a northern hardwood forest/ 미리보기
Arthur, Mary A National Research Council of Canada 2001
2257 저널기사 Validating a model of cooperative procurement in the construction industry 미리보기
Pesamaa, O.; Eriksson, P. E.; Hair, J. F. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
2258 저널기사 Validating and documenting a new knowledge management system philosophy: a case based on the ISO 30401:2018-KMS standard 미리보기
Ulrich Schmitt Palgrave Macmillan on behalf of the Operational Research Society 2022
2259 저널기사 Validating an innovative real-time Delphi approach - A methodological comparison between real-time and conventional Delphi studies 미리보기
Gnatzy, T.; Warth, J.; von der Gracht, H.; Darkow, I. L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
2260 저널기사 Validating a Structural Model of Destination Image, Satisfaction, and Loyalty Across Gender and Age: Multigroup Analysis With PLS-SEM 미리보기
Assaker, Guy; Hallak, Rob; Assaf, A. George; Assad, Tony Cognizant Communication Corp 2015
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