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221 저널기사 A Very Special Regulatory Milestone 미리보기
William S. Laufer Stevens 2018
222 저널기사 A Very Strange Scandal 미리보기
Gandel, Stephen Time, inc., etc.] 2013
223 저널기사 A veteran mediator’s guide to becoming a reflective practitioner. 미리보기
Arms Almengor, Rochelle Lawrence Erlbaum Associates : Educational Publishing Foundation of the American Psychological Association. 2022
224 저널기사 A Veteran's View of Science Education Today 미리보기
Marshall, J. S. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2003
225 저널기사 A veterinarian's role as a detective : tracking Yersinia pseudotuberculosis / 미리보기
Dhillon, A.S Veterinary Medicine Pub. Co 1984
226 저널기사 A veterinary mobile unit designed with horse sense / 미리보기
Miller, R.M Veterinary Medicine Pub. Co 1984
227 저널기사 A viability analysis for a bio-economic model 미리보기
Bene, C. ELSEVIER 2001
228 저널기사 A viability study of Fallopia japonica stem tissue/ 미리보기
De Waal, L C Blackwell Scientific Publications 2001
229 저널기사 A viable option: Turkish vessel owner and freight forwarder Advance International is providing shippers with an additional multimodal routeing for cargoes between Europe and Iran 미리보기
unknown INFORMA GROUP PLC 2006
230 저널기사 A viable solution to enterprise development and systems integration: a case study of web services implementation 미리보기
Cary, C.; Wen, H.J.; Mahatanankoon, P. Inderscience 2004
231 저널기사 A viable solution to enterprise development and systems integration: a case study of web services implementation 미리보기
Cary, C.; Wen, H. J.; Mahatanankoon, P. Inderscience Publishers 2004
232 저널기사 A Vibrating Perfect Crystal Assumed to be a Real One/ 미리보기
MIKULA, P Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1975
233 저널기사 A vibrational characterisation of the O/Al(111) system: a reassignment of HREELS data 미리보기
Frederick, B. G North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
234 저널기사 A vibrational spectroscopic study of the adsorption and dehydrogenation of cyclic C~6 hvdrocarbons on the (1 x 1) and (5 x 20) surfaces of Pt{100} 미리보기
Lainont, C. L. A North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
235 저널기사 A Vibrational Spectroscopic Study of the Metastable Form of Associated Polyinosinic Acid 미리보기
Simard, C John Wiley & Sons, etc.] 1996
236 저널기사 A vibrational spectroscopic study of the oxidation of pyrite by ferric iron 미리보기
Borda, M. J Mineralogical Society of America 2003
237 저널기사 A Vibrational Spectroscopic Study on the Interaction Between Lithium Salt and Ethylene Carbonate Plasticizer for PAN-Based Electrolytes 미리보기
Wang, Z Electrochemical Society 1980
238 저널기사 A vibrational study of ethanol adsorption on Si(100) 미리보기
Eng, J American Institute of Physics 1980
239 저널기사 A vibronic theory of steady-state third harmonic generation 미리보기
Hayashi, M. Yu, J. Lin, S. H. Fann, W. S. North Holland 1996
240 저널기사 A vicilin-like seed protein of cycads: similarity to sucrose-binding proteins 미리보기
Braun, H Martinus Nijhoff/Dr. W. Junk 1996
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