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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
2381 저널기사 Validation of Diagnostic Magnetic Resonance Imaging Criteria for Multiple Sclerosis and Response to Interferon beta1a/ 미리보기
Barkhof, F Little, Brown and Co.] 2003
2382 저널기사 Validation of dietary history method in a group of elderly women using measurements of total energy expenditure 미리보기
Visser, M Cambridge University Press 1980
2383 저널기사 Validation of eddy flux measurements above the understorey of a pine forest/ 미리보기
Lamaud, E 2001
2384 저널기사 Validation of Egg Yolk Antibody Testing as a Method to Determine Influenza Status in White Leghorn Hens/ 미리보기
Beck, J. R American Association of Avian Pathologists [etc.] 2003
2385 저널기사 Validation of EGSITE2, a Mixed Integer Program for Deducing Objective Site Models from Experimental Binding Data 미리보기
Crippen, G. M American Chemical Society 1980
2386 저널기사 Validation of Electrode Placement in Neonatal Electrogastrography/ 미리보기
Patterson, Mal Plenum Pub. Corp.] 2001
2387 저널기사 Validation of Existing Bed Load Transport Formulas Using In-Sewer Sediment/ 미리보기
De Sutter, R American Society of Civil Engineers 1900
2388 저널기사 Validation of flow cytometry to quantify the potency of anti-D immunoglobulin preparations Flow cytometry was found to give accurate and precise results for anti-D potency estimates of immunoglobulin products/ 미리보기
Schaffner, G New York [etc.] 2003
2389 저널기사 Validation of forest height-age models 미리보기
Nigh, G. D National Research Council of Canada 1996
2390 저널기사 Validation of FPA and cELISA for the detection of antibodies to Brucella abortus in cattle sera and comparison to SAT, CFT, and iELISA/ 미리보기
McGiven, J. A North-Holland 2003
2391 저널기사 Validation of frictional studies by double cup extrusion tests in cold-forming 미리보기
Barcellona, A Technische Rundschau 1996
2392 저널기사 Validation of Gastric-Emptying Scintigraphy of Solids and Liquids in Mice Using Dedicated Animal Pinhole Scintigraphy/ 미리보기
Bennink, R. J Society of Nuclear Medicine 2003
2393 저널기사 Validation of Gated Blood-Pool SPECT Cardiac Measurements Tested Using a Biventricular Dynamic Physical Phantom/ 미리보기
De Bondt, P Society of Nuclear Medicine 2003
2394 저널기사 Validation of Gender Difference in the Margaria-Kalamen Anaerobic Power Test / 미리보기
Mayhew, J.L 1999
2395 저널기사 Validation of green IT framework for implementing energy efficient green data centres: a case study 미리보기
Uddin, M.; Rahman, A.A. INDERSCIENCE 2012
2396 저널기사 Validation of Halogen Occultation Experiment CH~4 measurements from the UARS 미리보기
Park, J. H William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2397 저널기사 Validation of HPLC-Amperometric Detection to Measure Serotonin in Plasma, Platelets, Whole Blood, and Urine 미리보기
Pussard, E American Association for Clinical Chemistry 1980
2398 저널기사 Validation of hydrogen chloride measurements made by the Halogen Occultation Experiment from the UARS platform 미리보기
Russell, J. M William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2399 저널기사 Validation of hydrogen fluoride measurements made by the Halogen Occultation Experiment from the UARS platform 미리보기
Russell, J. M William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2400 저널기사 Validation of in sacco method: influence of sampling site, nylon bag or rumen contents, on fibrolytic activity of solid-associated microorganisms 미리보기
Noziere, P Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 1980
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