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2401 저널기사 Validation of Integrated Staging System Toward Improved Prognostication of Patients With Localized Renal Cell Carcinoma in International Population/ 미리보기
Han, K.-R American Urological Association Inc 2003
2402 저널기사 Validation of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Global Improvement Scale An Integrated Symptom End Point for Assessing Treatment Efficacy/ 미리보기
Gordon, S Plenum Pub. Corp.] 2003
2403 저널기사 Validation of Mayo Clinic Risk Adjustment Model for In-Hospital Complications After Percutaneous Coronary Interventions, Using the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Dynamic Registry/ 미리보기
Singh, M Elsevier Science Pub 2003
2404 저널기사 Validation of measurements of carbon monoxide from the improved stratospheric and mesospheric sounder 미리보기
Lopez-Valverde, M. A William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2405 저널기사 Validation of measurements of water vapor from the Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE) 미리보기
Harries, J. E William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2406 저널기사 Validation of Measures of Middle Schoolers' Self-Efficacy for Physical and Emotional Health, and Academic Tasks/ 미리보기
Bray, C. O Scientific and Technical Division, Inc., etc.] 2003
2407 저널기사 Validation of mesosphere and lower thermosphere winds from the high resolution Doppler imager on UARS 미리보기
Burrage, M. D William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2408 저널기사 Validation of microsatellite markers for routine horse parentage testing 미리보기
Bowling, A. T Published by Blackwell Scientific Publications for the International Society for Animal Blood Group 1997
Boyce, D.; Bar-Gera, H. Regional Science Research Institute 2003
2410 저널기사 Validation of Multimedia Models Assessing Exposure to PAHs-The SOLEX Study 미리보기
Dor, F.; Empereur-Bissonnet, P.; Zmirou, D.; Nedellec, V.; Haguenoer, J. M.; Jongeneelen, F.; Person, A.; Dab, W.; Ferguson, C. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2003
2411 저널기사 Validation of nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide measurements made by theHalogen Occultation Experiment for UARS platform 미리보기
Gordley, L. L William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2412 저널기사 Validation of nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube methodology in the UK/ 미리보기
Bush, Tony Pergamon 2001
2413 저널기사 Validation of nitrogen dioxide measurements from the Improved Stratospheric and Mesospheric Sounder 미리보기
Reburn, W. J William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2414 저널기사 Validation of Numerical Shallow Water Models for Stratified Seiches 미리보기
Eliason, D. E Wiley 1980
2415 저널기사 Validation of O(^1S) Wind Measurements by WINDII: the wind imaging interferometer on UARS 미리보기
Gault, W. A William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2416 저널기사 Validation of Ohmic Heating for Quality Enhancement of Food Products 미리보기
Kim, H.-J Food technology, etc.] 1996
2417 저널기사 Validation of Opportunities to Strengthen the National Disaster Medical System: The Military–Civilian NDMS Interoperability Study Quantitative Step 미리보기
Kirsch TD; Lee CJ; King DB; Adeniji AA; Sethi R; Deussing EC Mary Ann Liebert 2023
2418 저널기사 Validation of Opportunities to Strengthen the National Disaster Medical System: The Military–Civilian NDMS Interoperability Study Quantitative Step 미리보기
Kirsch TD; Lee CJ; King DB; Adeniji AA; Sethi R; Deussing EC Mary Ann Liebert 2023
2419 저널기사 Validation of organizational innovation as a creative learning process 미리보기
Kumar, Nishant; Yakhlef, Ali; Nordin, Fredrik Emerald Group Publishing Limited
2420 저널기사 Validation of paramagnetic cross correlation rates for solution structure determination of high spin iron(III) heme proteins/ 미리보기
Turano, P North Holland 2003
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