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2521 저널기사 Validity of comparisons? Reply of the authors:/ 미리보기
Palter, Steven F 2001
2522 저널기사 Validity of Computerized Tomography in Blunt Renal Trauma/ 미리보기
Bschleipfer, T American Urological Association Inc 2003
2523 저널기사 Validity of cuff-uroflow as a diagnostic technique for bladder outlet obstruction in males/ 미리보기
Salinas, J. C The Almpvist and Wiksell Periodical Co 2003
2524 저널기사 Validity of decision support systems: Towards a validation methodology 미리보기
Finlay, Paul N John Wiley & Sons 1997
2525 저널기사 Validity of exit interviews in retailing 미리보기
2526 저널기사 Validity of family history data on PD: Evidence for a family information bias/ 미리보기
Elbaz, A Advanstar Communications [etc.] 2003
2527 저널기사 Validity of fixed-interval observations for postural assessment in construction work/ 미리보기
Paquet, Victor L IPC Science and Technology Press [etc.] 2001
2528 저널기사 Validity of Forchheimer Equation in Radial Flow through Coarse Granular Media 미리보기
Thiruvengadam, M American Society of Civil Engineers 1980
2529 저널기사 Validity of four motion sensors in measuring moderate intensity physical activity/ 미리보기
Bassett Jr, David R American College of Sports Medicine] 2000
2530 저널기사 Validity of General Mental Ability for the Prediction of Job Performance and Training Success in Germany: A meta-analysis: 미리보기
Hulsheger, U. R.; Maier, G. W.; Stumpp, T. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
2531 저널기사 Validity of Global Lifetime Estimates by a Simple General Limiting Law for the Decay of Organic Compounds with Long-Range Pollution Potential 미리보기
Eller-Herold American Chemical Society 1980
2532 저널기사 Validity of Index of Suspicion for Pulmonary Embolism After Hip Arthroplasty/ 미리보기
Lawton, R. L J.B.Lippincott 2003
2533 저널기사 Validity of LSE for trimmed and differenced panel data due to absorbing attrition 미리보기
Lee, M. j.; Cho, M. h. ELSEVIER 2002
2534 저널기사 Validity of Measures of Cognitive Processes and General Ability for Learning and Performance on Highly Complex Computerized Tutors: Is the g Factor of Intelligence Even More General?/ 미리보기
Roznowski, Mary American Psychological Association, etc.] 2000
2535 저널기사 Validity of One-Dimensional Equation Governing Extrusion Die Flow 미리보기
Yu, Y.-W American Institute of Chemical Engineers] 1980
2536 저널기사 Validity of Permanent Tax Residency Certificate Upheld 미리보기
unknown Tax Analysts 2016
2537 저널기사 Validity of Personal Growth Initiative Scale Scores With a Mexican American College Student Population/ 미리보기
Robitschek, C American Psychological Association 2003
2538 저널기사 Validity of photo-based scenic beauty judgments 미리보기
R.B. Hull, WP. Stewart Elsevier
2539 저널기사 Validity of Photoelastic Strain Measurement on Cadaveric Proximal Femora/ 미리보기
Glisson, Richard R American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2000
2540 저널기사 Validity of radioimmunological methods for determining free testosterone in serum/ 미리보기
Gruschke, Annette American Fertility Society [etc.] 2001
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