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2941 저널기사 Value chains in health care 미리보기
Pitta, D. A.; Laric, M. V. Grayson Associates 2004
2942 저널기사 Value Change and Partisan Change in Japan: The Silent Revolution Revisited 미리보기
Scott C. Flanagan Comparative Politics
2943 저널기사 Value change and postmaterialist politics 미리보기
Betz, Hans-Georg Sage Publications 1990
2944 저널기사 Value change and postmaterialist politics 미리보기
Betz, Hans-Georg Sage Publications 1990
2945 저널기사 Value Change in Global Perspective by Paul R. Abramson and Ronald Inglehart 미리보기
Roof, W. C University of Chicago Press 1980
2946 저널기사 Value Choice, Demographics, and Life Satisfaction 미리보기
Keng, K. A. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 1993
2947 저널기사 Value cjpn-creatijpnn in sjpncial marketing: functijpnnal jpnr fanciful? 미리보기
Christine Djpnmegan;Katie Cjpnllins;Martine Stead;Patricia McHugh;Tim Hughes Emerald Group Publishing Limited
2948 저널기사 Value cjpn-creatijpnn thrjpnugh actjpnr embeddedness and actjpnr engagement 미리보기
Anees Wajid;Muhammad Mustafa Raziq;jpnmer Farjpnjpnq Malik;Shahab Alam Malik;Nabila Khurshid Emerald Group Publishing Limited
2949 저널기사 Value co-creation among retailers and consumers: New insights into the furniture market 미리보기
Andreu, L.; Sánchez, I.; Mele, C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
2950 저널기사 Value co-creation and resource based perspectives for strategic sourcing 미리보기
Dobrzykowski, D. D.; Tran, O.; Tarafdar, M. EMERALD 2010
2951 저널기사 Value cocreation and service (Re)formation: A service ecosystems view 미리보기
Vargo, S.L.; Akaka, M.A. Executive Sciences Institute 2013
2952 저널기사 Value co-creation and value co-destruction through interactive technology in tourism: the case of 'La Cité du Vin' wine museum, Bordeaux, France 미리보기
Kirova, Valentina Taylor & Francis
2953 저널기사 Value co-creation as a determinant of success in public transport services: A study of the Swiss Federal Railway operator (SBB) 미리보기
Gebauer, H.; Johnson, M.; Enquist, B. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
2954 저널기사 Value co-creation in knowledge intensive business services: A dyadic perspective on the joint problem solving process 미리보기
Aarikka-Stenroos, L.; Jaakkola, E. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
2955 저널기사 Value co-creation in social marketing: functional or fanciful? 미리보기
Christine Domegan;Katie Collins;Martine Stead;Patricia McHugh;Tim Hughes Emerald Group Publishing Limited
2956 저널기사 Value Co-Creation in Subsistence Markets: An Empirical Study 미리보기
Elliot, E.A.; DeBerry-Spence, B. Association for Consumer Research 2013
2957 저널기사 Value co-creation through actor embeddedness and actor engagement 미리보기
Anees Wajid;Muhammad Mustafa Raziq;Omer Farooq Malik;Shahab Alam Malik;Nabila Khurshid Emerald Group Publishing Limited
2958 저널기사 Value co-destruction: a typology of resource misintegration manifestations 미리보기
Laud, Gaurangi; Bove, Liliana; Ranaweera, Chatura; Leo, Wei Wei Cheryl; Sweeney, Jill; Smith, Sandra EMERALD 2017
2959 저널기사 Value co-destruction between customers and frontline employees: A social system perspective 미리보기
Muhammad Kashif; Anna Zarkada MCB UP Ltd
2960 저널기사 Value co-destruction between customers and frontline employees: A social system perspective 미리보기
Muhammad Kashif; Anna Zarkada MCB UP Ltd
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