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2961 저널기사 Value Conflict and Policy Change 미리보기
Stewart, J. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006
2962 저널기사 Value conflicts between professional and social responsibility 미리보기
H. Bentley Glass I N F O R M S
2963 저널기사 Value conflicts for information security management 미리보기
Hedstrom, K.; Kolkowska, E.; Karlsson, F.; Allen, J. P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
2964 저널기사 Value conflicts in food ethics - causes and possible resolutions 미리보기
Schroder, M.J.A.;McEachern, M.G. BLACKWELL SCIENCE 2003
2965 저널기사 Value congruence and job-related attitudes in a nonprofit organization: a competing values approach 미리보기
Newton, Cameron J.; Mazur, Alicia K. Routledge 2016
2966 저널기사 Value Congruence as a Source of Intrinsic Motivation 미리보기
Ren, T. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2010
2967 저널기사 Value congruence in health care priority setting: social values, institutions and decisions in three countries 미리보기
Claudia Landwehr ; Dorothea Klinnert Cambridge University Press 2015
2968 저널기사 Value congruence in health care priority setting: social values, institutions and decisions in three countries 미리보기
Landwehr, C.; Klinnert, D. Cambridge University Press 2015
2969 저널기사 Value, Consistency, and Random Coalition Formation 미리보기
Evans, R. A Academic Press 1996
2970 저널기사 Value Co-Production: Intellectual Origins and Implications for Practice and Research 미리보기
Ramirez, R. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 1999
2971 저널기사 Value-creating networks: organizational issues and challenges 미리보기
Allee, V. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
2972 저널기사 Value Creation: A Coordination Game 미리보기
Stuart, Jr., H. W. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011
2973 저널기사 Value creation and corporate diversification: the case of Sears, Roebuck & Co. 미리보기
Gillan, S.L. ELSEVIER 2000
2974 저널기사 Value creation and days of supply in major pulp and paper companies 미리보기
2975 저널기사 Value Creation and Destruction in Cross-Border Acquisitions: An Empirical Analysis of Foreign Acquisitions of U.S. Firms 미리보기
Seth, A.; Song, K. P.; Pettit, R. R. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 2002
2976 저널기사 Value Creation and Digital Profits 미리보기
Herzfeld, Mindy Tax Analysts 2018
2977 저널기사 Value creation and firm sales performance: The mediating roles of strategic account management and relationship perception 미리보기
Sullivan, U. Y.; Peterson, R. M.; Krishnan, V. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
2978 저널기사 Value creation and knowledge loss: The case of Cremonese stringed instruments 미리보기
Cattani, G.; Dunbar, R.L.M.; Shapira, Z. Executive Sciences Institute 2014
2979 저널기사 Value Creation and Knowledge Loss: The Case of Cremonese Stringed Instruments 미리보기
Cattani, G.; Dunbar, R.L.M.; Shapira, Z. Institute of Management Sciences 2013
2980 저널기사 Value creation and new intermediaries on Internet. An exploratory analysis of the online news industry and the web content aggregators 미리보기
Aguila-Obra, A. R.; Padilla-Melendez, A.; Serarols-Tarres, C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
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