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2981 저널기사 Value creation and organisational practices at firm boundaries 미리보기
La Rocca, A.; Snehota, I. EMERALD 2014
2982 저널기사 Value creation and pricing in buyouts: Empirical evidence from Europe and North America 미리보기
Achleitner, A. K.; Braun, R.; Engel, N. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
2983 저널기사 Value creation and success in strategic alliances 미리보기
2984 저널기사 Value creation and the alliance experiences of Dutch companies 미리보기
Sleuwaegen, L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
2985 저널기사 Value Creation and the Alliance Experiences of Dutch Companies 미리보기
Sleuwaegen, L.; Schep, K.; den Hartog, G.; Commandeur, H. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
2986 저널기사 Value creation and the impact of corporate real estate assets: An empirical investigation with French listed companies 미리보기
Nappi-Choulet, I.; Missonier-Piera, F.; Cancel, M. HENRY STEWART 2009
2987 저널기사 Value creation and value appropriation in innovation process in publicly-traded family firms 미리보기
Esra Memili; Hanqing Chevy Fang; Dianne H.B. Welsh unknown
2988 저널기사 Value Creation and Value Capture: A Multilevel Perspective 미리보기
Lepak, D. P.; Smith, K. G.; Taylor, M. S. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 2007
2989 저널기사 Value creation and value capture in the automotive industry: Empirical evidence from Czechia 미리보기
Petr Pavlínek, Jan Ženka Pion Ltd. 2016
2990 저널기사 Value creation and value capture with frictions 미리보기
Chatain, O.; Zemsky, P. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2011
2991 저널기사 Value Creation and Value Transfer of Leveraged Buyouts: A Review of Recent Developments and Challenges for Emerging Markets 미리보기
Hung, Yao-Don; Tsai, Ming-Hone M.E. Sharpe 2017
2992 저널기사 Value creation: an internal customers’ perspective 미리보기
Debra Grace; Joseph Lo Iacono EMERALD 2015
2993 저널기사 Value creation: an internal customers’ perspective 미리보기
Debra Grace; Joseph Lo Iacono Emerald Group Publishing Limited
2994 저널기사 Value creation architecture and engineering: A business model encompassing the firm-customer dyad 미리보기
Ngo, L. V.; O'Cass, A. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
2995 저널기사 `Value Creation,' Arm's-Length Principle Are the Same, McDonald Says 미리보기
unknown Tax Analysts 2017
2996 저널기사 Value creation by knowledge-based ecosystems: evidence from a field study 미리보기
Borgh, M.; Cloodt, M.; Romme, A. G. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
2997 저널기사 Value creation by ''muddling'' in the B2B sector 미리보기
Hulten, P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
2998 저널기사 Value Creation by Toolkits for User Innovation and Design: The Case of the Watch Market 미리보기
Franke, N.; Piller, F. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004
2999 저널기사 `Value Creation' Cases Present Challenges for IRS APMA Program 미리보기
unknown Tax Analysts 2018
3000 저널기사 Value creation, competition, and performance in buyer supplier relationships 미리보기
Chatain, O. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2011
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