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3021 저널기사 Value creation or destruction? Hedge funds as shareholder activists 미리보기
Clifford, C. P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
3022 저널기사 Value creation potential of intellectual capital in biotechnology - empirical evidence from Finland 미리보기
Hermans, R.; Kauranen, I. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005
3023 저널기사 Value Creation Through Corporate Restructuring: European Sell-offs 미리보기
Kaiser, K. PERGAMON PRESS 1995
3024 저널기사 Value Creation Through Employer Loans: Evidence of Informal Lending to Employees at Small, Labor-Intensive Firms 미리보기
Hunt, Richard A.; Hayward, Mathew L. A. Institute of Management Sciences 2018
3025 저널기사 Value creation through enriched marketing-operations interfaces: an empirical study in the printed circuit board industry 미리보기
Sawhney, R.; Piper, C. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
3026 저널기사 Value Creation through Service Offers 미리보기
Malleret, V. r. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
3027 저널기사 Value Creation through Stranded Asset Migration 미리보기
Piepmeier, J. M. ROBERT O. MARRITZ 1996
3028 저널기사 Value Creation Tradeoff in Business Ecosystems: Leveraging Complementarities While Managing Interdependencies 미리보기
Agarwal S ; Kapoor R Institute of Management Sciences 2023
3029 저널기사 `Value Creation' Understanding Key to Transfer Pricing's Future 미리보기
unknown Tax Analysts 2015
3030 저널기사 Value creation versus destruction: The relationship between consumers, marketers and financiers 미리보기
Cova, B.; Paranque, B. Henry Stewart Publications 2012
3031 저널기사 Value Creation Versus Value Capture: Towards a Coherent Definition of Value in Strategy 미리보기
Bowman, C. Blackwell; 1999 2000
3032 저널기사 Value data and the Bennet price and quantity indicators 미리보기
Cross, R. M.; Fare, R. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
3033 저널기사 Value Democracy as the Basis for Viewpoint Neutrality: A Theory of Free Speech and Its Implications for the State Speech and Limited Public Forum Doctrines 미리보기
Brettschneider, C. Northwestern University School of Law 2013
3034 저널기사 Valued Environments, John R. Gold, Jacquelin Burgess (Eds.). George Allen and Unwin, Cambridge (1982) 미리보기
Colin Ward Elsevier
3035 저널기사 Value dimensions, perceived value, satisfaction and loyalty: an investigation of university students' travel behaviour 미리보기
Gallarza, M. G.; Gil Saura, I. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
3036 저널기사 Value distribution of g-additive functions/ 미리보기
Peter, Manfred Springer-Verlag 2001
3037 저널기사 Valued product attributes in an emerging market: a comparison between French and Malaysian consumers 미리보기
Hult, G. T. JAI Press 2000
3038 저널기사 Value Driven - Beware the buccaneer./ 미리보기
Colvin, Geoffrey 2001
3039 저널기사 Value Driven - Confessions of a transistor hog./ 미리보기
Colvin, Geoffrey Time, inc., etc.] 2001
3040 저널기사 Value Driven Corporate America: Stop being clothesminded./ 미리보기
Colvin, Geoffrey Time, inc., etc.] 2000
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