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3061 저널기사 Value Driven - Smile! It's recession time!/ 미리보기
Colvin, Geoffrey Time, inc., etc.] 2001
3062 저널기사 Value Driven Technology Road Mapping (VTRM) process integrating decision making and marketing tools: Case of Internet security technologies 미리보기
Fenwick, D.; Daim, T. U.; Gerdsri, N. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
3063 저널기사 Value Driven - The anticontrol freak./ 미리보기
Colvin, Geoffrey Time, inc., etc.] 2001
3064 저널기사 Value Driven - The gift of arrogance./ 미리보기
Colvin, Geoffrey Time, inc., etc.] 2001
3065 저널기사 Value Driven - The unavoidable question is, If everyone knew of the danger, why did we fail so dismally to thwart it?/ 미리보기
Colvin, Geoffrey Time, inc., etc.] 2001
3066 저널기사 Value Driven - The wheelers, the wavers, and the star-struck./ 미리보기
Colvin, Geoffrey Time, inc., etc.] 2000
3067 저널기사 Value Driven - Wall Street's new power brokers./ 미리보기
Colvin, Geoffrey Time, inc., etc.] 2001
3068 저널기사 Value Driven - We can't all be above average./ 미리보기
Colvin, Geoffrey 2001
3069 저널기사 Value Driven - What's love got to do with it?/ 미리보기
Colvin, Geoffrey Time, inc., etc.] 2001
3070 저널기사 Value Driven - When Mort Meyerson canceled the company Christmas party, he put the spirit of the season above all./ 미리보기
Colvin, Geoffrey Time, inc., etc.] 2000
3071 저널기사 Value Driven - When Wall Street scorns good companies./ 미리보기
Colvin, Geoffrey Time, inc., etc.] 2000
3072 저널기사 Value Driven - Why execs love golf./ 미리보기
Colvin, Geoffrey Time, inc., etc.] 2001
3073 저널기사 Value Driven - Why I'll love- and hate-broadband./ 미리보기
Colvin, Geoffrey Time, inc., etc.] 2000
3074 저널기사 Value Driven - You could soon be selling soybeans./ 미리보기
CoLVIN, Geoffrey Time, inc., etc.] 2000
3075 저널기사 Value Driven - You'd better be a ten./ 미리보기
Colvin, Geoffrey 2001
3076 저널기사 Value drivers in Finnish family-owned firms: profitability, growth and risk 미리보기
Laitinen, E.K. Inderscience 2008
3077 저널기사 Value drivers of return on equity: a study of Indian companies 미리보기
Chari, L.S.; Mohanty, R.P. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd 2007
3078 저널기사 Value Drives Hardware Development 미리보기
Delta Communications, etc.]
3079 저널기사 Value Effect and Macroeconomic Risk 미리보기
Cao, Cathy Xuying; Chen, Chongyang; Datar, Vinay Institutional Investor, Inc 2017
3080 저널기사 Value elicitation in laboratory markets: Discussion and applicability to contingent valuation 미리보기
Swallow, Stephen K American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
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