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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
3261 저널기사 Value-oriented knowledge management: insights from theory and practice 미리보기
Marco Tregua ; Anna D’Auria ; Danilo Brozovic Palgrave Macmillan on behalf of the Operational Research Society 2022
3262 저널기사 Value-oriented process modeling: integrating financial perspectives into business process re-design 미리보기
Brocke, J. v.; Recker, J.; Mendling, J. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
3263 저널기사 Value perceptions and performance of research joint ventures: An organizational learning perspective 미리보기
Revilla, E.; Acosta, J.; Sarkis, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
3264 저널기사 Value Pluralism, Constitutionalism, and Democracy: Waldron and Berlin in Debate 미리보기
George Crowder University of Notre Dame : Cambridge University Press 2019
3265 저널기사 Value Premium Across Countries 미리보기
Kim, D. Institutional Investor, Inc. 2012
3266 저널기사 Value premium and default risk 미리보기
Mohammed M Elgammal;David G McMillan HENRY STEWART PUBLICATIONS
3267 저널기사 Value Preserving Strategies and a General Framework for Local Approaches to Optimal Portfolios 미리보기
3268 저널기사 Value Pricing through Conjoint Measurement: A Practical Approach 미리보기
Kucher, E. PERGAMON PRESS 1993
3269 저널기사 Value Priorities of Human Resource Development Professionals 미리보기
Bates, R.; Chen, H.-C. JOSSEY-BASS PUBLISHERS 2005
3270 저널기사 Value processes and lifecycles in networks for public service innovation 미리보기
Luis Rubalcaba & Alberto Peralta Routledge/Taylor & Francis 2023
3271 저널기사 Value, profit and risk: accounting and the resource-based view of the firm 미리보기
Toms, S. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
3272 저널기사 Value proposition and firm performance: segmentation of Polish online companies 미리보기
Doligalski, T.; Zaborek, P.; Sysko-Romanczuk, S. Inderscience Enterprise Ltd 2015
3273 저널기사 Value proposition as a catalyst for a customer focused innovation 미리보기
Lindic, J.; Silva, C. M. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
3274 저널기사 Value proposition preferences of credit union members and patronage activity 미리보기
Noreen Byrne; Olive McCarthy MCB UP Ltd
3275 저널기사 Value proposition preferences of credit union members and patronage activity 미리보기
Noreen Byrne; olive McCarthy MCB UP Ltd
3276 저널기사 Value propositions as communication practice: Taking a wider view 미리보기
Ballantyne, D.; Frow, P.; Varey, R. J.; Payne, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
3277 저널기사 Value Propositions for Disruptive Technologies: Reconfiguration Tactics in the Case of Electric Vehicles 미리보기
Bohnsack, René; Pinkse, Jonatan Graduate Schools of Business Administration, University of California 2017
3278 저널기사 Value, rareness, competitive advantage, and performance: a conceptual-level empirical investigation of the resource-based view of the firm 미리보기
Newbert, S. L. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2008
Rabinowicz, W. Cambridge University Press 2012
3280 저널기사 Value relevance and the dot-com bubble of the 1990s 미리보기
Morris, J. J.; Alam, P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
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