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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
3381 저널기사 Values, prices of production and market prices: some more evidence from the Greek economy 미리보기
Tsoulfidis, L.; Maniatis, T. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2002
3382 저널기사 Values, relationships, and organizational culture: Principled leadership at Brightpoint, Inc 미리보기
Dalton, C. M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
3383 저널기사 Values, schemas, and norms in the culture–behavior nexus: A situated dynamics framework 미리보기
Kwok Leung ; Michael W Morris Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 2015
3384 저널기사 Values, social problems and balanced development in Malaysia 미리보기
Amin, R. M.; Yusof, S. A.; Haneef, M. A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
3385 저널기사 Values, Susceptibility to Normative Influence, and Attribute Importance Weights: A Nomological Analysis 미리보기
3386 저널기사 Values, sustainability cjpnnscijpnusness and intentijpnns fjpnr SDG endjpnrsement 미리보기
Pradeep Kautish;Arpita Khare;Rajesh Sharma Emerald Group Publishing Limited
3387 저널기사 Values, sustainability consciousness and intentions for SDG endorsement 미리보기
Pradeep Kautish;Arpita Khare;Rajesh Sharma Emerald Group Publishing Limited
3388 저널기사 Values that create value: socially responsible business practices in SMEs - empirical evidence from German companies 미리보기
Hammann, E. M.; Habisch, A.; Pechlaner, H. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2009
3389 저널기사 Values That Shape Marketing Decisions: Influence of Chief Executive Officers' Political Ideologies on Innovation Propensity, Shareholder Value, and Risk 미리보기
Kashmiri, Saim; Mahajan, Vijay American Marketing Association] 2017
3390 저널기사 Values to be Changed and the Ability to be Enhanced in order to Ongoing Development of Attractive Products and Services 미리보기
Kato, Y. Nihon Hinshitsu Kanri Gakkai 2014
3391 저널기사 Value stream mapping as a versatile tool for lean implementation: an Indian case study of a manufacturing firm 미리보기
Singh, B.; Sharma, S. K. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
3392 저널기사 Value Stream Maps for Imaging Services 미리보기
Monge, P.; Perez, N.; Rein, R. American Hospital Radiology Administrators 2013
3393 저널기사 Value structures in a decoy and compromise effect experiment 미리보기
Pechtl, H. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2009
3394 저널기사 Value Structures in a Developed Socialist System: The Case of Czechoslovakia 미리보기
James P. McGregor Comparative Politics
3395 저널기사 Values, trust, and commitment in business-to-business relationships: A comparison of two former Yugoslav markets 미리보기
Zabkar, V.; Brencic, M. M. Corporate Press 2004
3396 저널기사 Values, trust and democracy in Germany: Still in search of -inner unity-? 미리보기
CAMPBELL, R. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
3397 저널기사 Values underlying continuous improvement 미리보기
Jabnoun, N. MCB University Press; 1999 2001
3398 저널기사 Value, supplier dependence and long-term orientation: Outcomes for B2B commerce in the travel industry 미리보기
Gil-Saura, I.; Ruiz-Molina, M. E.; Arteaga-Moreno, F. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
3399 저널기사 Values, value types and moral reasoning of MBA students 미리보기
Lan, G.; Gowing, M.; Rieger, F.; McMahon, S.; King, N. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2010
3400 저널기사 Values Work: A Process Study of the Emergence and Performance of Organizational Values Practices 미리보기
Gehman, J.; Trevino, L.K.; Garud, R. Academy of Management 2013
맨앞 이전 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 다음 맨뒤
